70 Million To Be Vaccinated For ‘Vaccine Awareness Week’

vaccine awareness week

The World Health Organization wants to put the world on notice. Vaccines, it says, should be “the priority.”

The U.N. has made this week, “world immunization week,” and the Pan American Health Organization is targetting 70 million people for vaccines as a show of support throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.

“Immunization and vaccines are the most powerful public health tools that we have.” says former World Health Organization’s Dr. Flavia Bustreo. She uses the example of AIDS not having a vaccine as what could have been.

From April 24 to April 30, the U.N. is pushing out a massive vaccine awareness campaign. They want the world to know that “millions of lives are saved” annually by way of vaccines. The awareness campaign hopes to persuade more globalized efforts on vaccines by pushing individual governments to pursue vaccine agendas. “Make vaccines a priority,” the motto goes.

The WHO claims that 13 million children have lost their lives to vaccine-preventable diseases over the last 35 years, “lives that might have been saved if these children had been vaccinated.”

The WHO always wants to utilize this week to warn the world about the threat of measles. They claim that parents simply don’t realize how deadly measles is as an illness.

Other parents don’t vaccinate their children because they have never experienced how sick measles can make their children. In 2017, measles killed 35 people, mostly children in Europe. In Italy, there were 3,232 cases of measles from January through June, while in 2016, there were only 478 in the same time period.

Socialized vaccine deployment is a massive scale operation that’s blueprint comes from Bill Gates and his Gates’ Foundation, whereas he’s infiltrated places like India with millions of vaccines.

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