Where Does Bernie Sanders Stand on Vaccines?

flickr bernie sanders
Photo by Phil Roeder

I was reading an anti-vaccination Facebook page recently, they posted an article with the headline “Bernie Sanders and Republicans find common ground on Vaccinations.” But this isn’t true. Sanders believes that an unvaccinated child is a “killer.” And judging from recent statements, I’d say he wouldn’t be too far off from pushing a mandatory vaccination legislation over us. Donald Trump has taken the lead once again as the Republican nominee and he definitely believes vaccinations are tied to rising autism rates.

Sanders apparently thinks the unvaccinated child could “kill” other children, according to statements he made last February.

I think obviously vaccinations work. Vaccination has worked for many, many years. […] I am sensitive to the fact that there are some families who disagree but the difficulty is if I have a kid who is suffering from an illness who is subjected to a kid who walks into a room without vaccines that could kill that child and that’s wrong.

Here he is pushing for more flu vaccines amid “flu vaccine shortages” back in 2004.

Be very careful what you determine from headlines that may misrepresent the facts. Be sure to share this with anyone who could be confused over the matter. This man would be a horrible choice for any parent who believes in parental rights.

After this weekend’s debate, I saw a lot of people who seemed openly confused. Sanders would be a proponent of a much larger, more intrusive Government. Socialism would NOT lend itself to more parental rights. Sanders would likely support any legislation forcing vaccines. We have to be careful and get all the facts. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats have been less tested on the matter; although it is obvious where Hillary stands.

Photo by Phil Roeder

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