Quite obviously, crypto is a spike harvesting program, meaning price spikes (up and down) are designed to manipulate you (through excitement and fear) and thereby harvest your assets.
Covid vaccination was also a spike harvesting program, meaning the spike proteins caused fear, and the spike vaccine needles were produced by Big Pharma to excite and harvest “the market” (pro tip: you are the market). And in the end, those who were harvested (meaning those who took the vax) lost more than they ever bargained for. More than they knew.
Learn that those who can identify spikes and manage them (i.e. Pfizer, Coinbase) make the most profit financially. They are predators of the worst kind perhaps because they claim to enliven you.
The idea of the spike is pervasive on earth, and teaches you to discern what crypto really is.

The Ultimate Human Spike
The human heart produces the ultimate spike. When you are excited your electrical signals spike. And who is right there to harvest the experience with you? Your loved ones ideally, but it depends on how you live your life. Who do you surround yourself with when your heart spikes? Ideally, the heart should be teaching us about who we are: free, independent, loving, anything. And I know, sometimes love hurts because the spike is harvested by our feelings associated with pain and loss. But the real loss would be not to experience your heart’s destiny to know thyself.
The Ultimate Cosmic Spike is Sound
The sword that executes law and justice is a spike. The pen is also a spike, mightier than the sword they say.
The tower is a spike, from the ivory to the babel. But what spike is the mightiest?
Sound is likely the most powerful force in the universe (from God speaking creation, that ripples today in the sound of music, of laughter, of words upon which civilization depends). Yes, sound spikes!
The bigger they spike, the harder they fall. And oh what a fall. Some of our best music on Earth is a combination of words and tunes that contrast the spike of elation to the trough of despair.
The Next Bull Market
If you grab the horn, it comes with the bull. Crypto people tell you spiky bull markets are good. What they don’t want to tell you is you’ll pay dearly for gorging.
Labor and earth are the saving graces of the market. For when systems err and break (as they must), highly skilled labor and clean earth present the abundance to ascend from any trough of trouble. Skilled people on a clean earth repair the market to climb higher than the last spike, for the correction proves the balance. We have to learn to listen to nature, to listen to ourselves so we gain harmony rather than spikes for their own sake.
History Interlude
You didn’t really think there was something new under the sun here, did you? Look back to Rome, the greatest spike of its time: SPQR (“spiker” if you will) emblazoned on the empire’s flag and towering buildings. Sharp swords surrounded the whole spiker network to enforce the system.
Hard Times Meme
Hard times create strong men, and you know the rest. I’ll tell you a new one though: pride creates spikes, and spikes create troughs. Troughs create hard times. Hard times create strong men, and so we’ve on-ramped into the meme. To coin a phrase, PSTHTM (Pride –> Spikes –> Troughs –> Hard Times Meme)
On social media people say don’t @ me. The future will say don’t $ me, meaning don’t tokenize me.
Value is Harmony, Not Spikes
When will we learn value is not the spike but he who wields it to achieve harmony?
The crypto people are currently stoked on themselves but haven’t actually created anything (save for a higher likelihood that the elite will hack e-money to usher in an age of stable coin with digital ID). But I generally like crypto people because of their politics and desire to end the Fed, and my hope is they’ll invest in next gen productivity rather than squander on toys and pseudo-luxury.
Also, don’t underestimate the dollar because people always seem to need cash. Not that stockpiling cash makes sense, but its important to observe the cash demand. Many are predicting hyperinflation, but perhaps the more likely scenario is one of hyper-deflation because of the extreme need for dollars to sustain what people already have.
Spikes are not self-purposeful in music or nature, but rather their purpose is to achieve harmony. Spikes should be rare. Swords should be rarely wielded. Luke 22:38 says, “And they said to him, Our Lord, behold here are two swords.” He said to them, “That is enough.” Skyscrapers ought to be rare. Covid should be rare. And yes, spiky coins should be rare. But because none of these are rare in reality, we are observing imbalance (or extremities) in society.
We are even addicted to spikes. Care to guess what your phone does to your dopamine levels?
I grow wheat by hand on my organic ranch. Wheat grows tall into a spike, and then the reaper comes. The spike that produces bread produces some of life’s greatest joys (my personal favorite is maple donuts). But oh the troughs that follow when I eat too many donuts!
The spikes of our hands (10 fingers) create tools that raise our productivity to the 10th power and beyond. Neurons spike. Connections and spikes go hand in hand, network in network.
When you start looking for spikes, you see them anywhere, and in each instance you see spikes can be exploited, whereby a corresponding trough of human suffering is found below. Why? Maybe because the cabal is a death cult that exploits spikes to perpetuate its sovereignty: market spikes, population spikes, rockets, obelisks, Moore’s law, etc.
Net Sadness
There is no great surprise with the current tech dystopia: digital IDs, electronic money, screen entertainment, virtual education, artificial intelligence, automated thought. The whole world is being mechanized toward transhumanism. And here’s the catch: you’re the trough. Oh did you think the trough was extraneous? Nope, you’re the trough.
They are trying to make you take the leap so you’ll hit the trough. The system is so corrupt they want you to fall so they can harvest you. WWJD, or how much crypto would Christ purchase? They already know they can’t beat Christ. He rose from the grave. He conquered the world. They are not trying to pierce Christ again. They are trying to pierce you by cleverly incentivizing you to reject your one defense: Christ.
If you don’t repent and reclaim your birthright, you may be an enemy of natural man.
And you don’t need to be an enemy – your heart is more saddened than elated by modern technology. Even a big pay day with crypto can never make you as happy as you once were, as the promise was.
Our children need us to be strong men, to regain our natural livelihoods, to restore balance and contentment with honest labor.
Crypto is effectively a tool to escape labor. And that tool will fail most people. Let’s just admit that.
The proper role of crypto in the future should be decentralized crypto. It could be used for good, and tremendous charity, such as charitable components to coins where a percentage of proceeds are given to build things in the real world such as supporting organic CSA farms who feed the hungry; such a coin would hold real value (i.e., asset backed currency) if capable of buying food from participating CSAs. It’s just one example of crypto having potential, with intentional design to support real value in the real world. You know, for things we actually care about and don’t gamble with.
The parallel economy (with its organic farms, natural crafts, low-tech, and abundant restoration projects) may look like a trough today because its laborers are low income Christians, but that’s precisely where strong men are making good times. That’s where peaks of laughter and joy are balanced by hard work and simple quiet in our Lord.
People think the next big thing is going to be crypto. But the next big thing ain’t crypto, it’s restoration. Post covid shots, whoever can take charge of systems (farms, light industrial, businesses) and restore them to functionality to serve the needs of man, that’s your future. Whoever is not a producer in this regard is already behind. And for the producers out there, well done. Parallel economy is a good phrase for this as well.
About the Author
I’m a lawyer and organic homesteader in California. I’ve been critical of crypto dystopia for years and never bought in. But one week ago I decided to make a small crypto purchase and learn the system. I’m not a gambler, but it felt like gambling, an addictive phenomenon. I’ve gained nothing of value from buying crypto, except the insights written in this article.
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