Dallas Creates Flu Death Hysteria, But What’s The Truth?

‘Flu death hysteria’ is sweeping the nation and the world alike. We are inundated on a daily basis with headlines embellishing our death risk by flu. This year’s flu is being marketed in almost the same way as Ebola. People are now afraid to go outside and interact with other for fear of contracting a killer disease.

But what’s the truth?

Dallas, Texas is the latest city to push big blazing headlines about flu deaths. According to ABC’s Dallas affiliate, WFAA, Dallas recently registered its 7th flu victim. And now the city is in a full-on panic.

The truth is, almost every flu death in Dallas has been someone who already had a chronic underlying health issue. But that’s not touted in these spectacular headlines. Instead, we are told the flu is a dangerous killing machine and we should immediately run out and get a flu shot as a precaution.

These flu deaths are sad, of course, there is no denial in that. And they are most certainly something our greater society should consider (at risk people being exposed to any illness is never a good formula). But the headlines are fear mongering people into thinking that having the flu places them at an extreme risk of death. If you are elderly and have a pre-existing condition, this might be true. Maybe more people should visit their doctor and find out if they have any pre-existing conditions that would warrant such an extreme fear of the flu?

We now have people walking around in fear. Getting the flu is without question, no comfortable nor convenient, but these spectacular headlines are driving more fear than is healthy.

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