Jailed Vaccine Mom’s Speech Brings Parents To Tears

“I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in.”

Rebecca Bredow stuck to her word. She refused a judges orders which mandated that her son is given a slew of vaccines. And now she’s serving seven days in jail with another court hearing to follow. Bredow claims that she and her ex-husband agreed to not vaccinate their child, something which a legal exemption can be obtained for in Michigan. But her husband seemingly had a change of heart, potentially as a way to gain leverage in a court battle over the child. Bredow is the primary caregiver.

Bredow’s speech to the court prior to her sentencing was heartwrenching. She showed that she’s a mother unwilling to compromise in what she believes is an unsafe situation for her child. Bredow refused to back down to the system. Her grit will be forever remembered by those who witnessed it.

Bredow’s son will now be vaccinated while she serves time. Bredow’s greatest suffering, as the court surely knows, is that she is confined by steel bars from helping her child, which is the instinct most every mother has. Bredow is now of martyr status for a medical freedom movement that continues to grow. This in no way helps the state to influence parents who might be skeptical to vaccinate. This shows disregard for freedom at the highest of levels.

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2 Comments on "Jailed Vaccine Mom’s Speech Brings Parents To Tears"

  1. Carol Glowicki | 10/15/2017 at 11:39 pm | Reply

    An alphabet soup of toxic lies today.
    Merk, Monsanto and Exxon
    The list of collusion goes on and on.
    Store bought science and poison vaccines.
    Flu shots when pregnant can mean the end of dreams.
    Some warrior parents are sounding the alarm.
    Vaccines injured or killed our kids – they were not safe from harm.
    Low efficacy high risk shots are forced on us today.
    For deliberate murders, these criminals will pay.
    Law seeks justice through the presentation of evidence at trial.
    Drs. Thompson and Thorsen must be brought to testify.
    Both know about the cabal of fraud and it is vile.
    Exponential growth of Autism may be explosive, by 2033
    One out of every 2 may suffer from this malady.
    What is more critical than saving these souls?
    See truth, speak truth, these must be our goals.
    ——- Carol Glowicki

  2. Mary James | 10/08/2017 at 1:13 am | Reply

    I wonder if the dad and the judge are up to date on all of their vaccines. Maybe they’d like to get a shigles, tetanus, booster MMR,pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and flu vaccine on the same day and see how they feel.

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