Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: From Heresy to Historian

Reinette Senum interviewed Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in a reflection on the last two years of what will be known as the largest biological experiment conducted on the global population.


While many are new to the vaccine-injury scene, for over 20 years, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been at the forefront of calling out its dangers. What was considered staggering and impossible health allegations in early 2021 have become historical facts today.

Two years ago this month, I interviewed Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in what became a viral video or the “shot heard around the world” — no pun intended — After millions of views, the first-of-its-kind information and video were promptly removed and shadow-banned.

Dr. Tenpenny would be the first of a tidal wave of doctors and medical professionals to arrive at the same conclusion; the covid inoculations are a deadly biological weapon designed as intended.

Today, we revisit these early and bold assertions, reflecting upon where we were and are today. Where do we go from here? What can or cannot be done for those inoculated?… And we explore the understanding this is more than a physical war against humanity. It’s a battle for our souls.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in osteopathic medicine, with a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine. She was board certified in Emergency medicine from 1986 to 1998 as a full-time Emergency Medicine physician and served as Director of a Level II Trauma center.

The founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio, her clinic provides natural, holistic approaches to getting well. Their success has attracted patients from all 50 states and at least 17 countries.

Dr. Tenpenny has invested 21+ years and far more than 40,000 hours researching, documenting and exposing problems associated with vaccines. She is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and a regular guest on radio shows, podcasts, and TV, sharing her highly researched information on why we should just say no to vaccines.

Watch the new Jan. 13 2023 interview here.


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Reinette Senum is a former 2x mayor, CA gubernatorial candidate, and dedicated solutionarian. She shares stories, hypotheses & possibilities beyond the fog, including notes from the field, podcasts, and other ruminations from the trenches, in her Foghorn Express substack/podcast.

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