Fighting for Your Rights in Ohio

By Stephanie Stock, President of OhioAMF

In the fight to preserve our parental rights and bodily autonomy, it’s easy to get caught up in the pain of our own experiences, especially when it involves the welfare of our children.

However, personal liberties and the tenants of our Bill of Rights are being threatened and removed across multiple fronts. Even more striking are the tactics being used to vilify advocates in the various causes of liberty.

We are seeing an overlap between various activist and personal rights groups. Similar tactics are being used to censor and discredit medical freedom, Second Amendment and civil liberty groups. Any messages that are not lockstep with mainstream propaganda are being attacked and labeled “fake news” from “fringe extremists.”

What has become quite disturbing is an apparent infiltration by those who claim to be “advocates” for medical freedom. After observing their demeanors and behaviors, many of these “pop up” organizations seem to be using “divide and conquer” strategies instead of building upon what has already been accomplished at the legislative level by state medical freedom groups across the country.

Keep a watchful eye as you see the unfolding and reshaping of public opinion here in Ohio and throughout the country. Learn to tell the difference between fear-mongering, false claims, and strategic distortions of truth.

Remember that we are government BY the people, FOR the people. If you don’t like what you’re seeing from your elected officials, then STEP UP and TAKE ACTION to UNSEAT THEM. If you want to maintain your freedom, then you have to be part of the process.


From Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: I encourage people to step up to volunteer for – and donate to – the state Medical freedom/ parental rights organization in YOUR STATE that is making medical freedom and the right to refuse as part of the mainstream platform. OhioAMF offers voter guides as a way to educate the public and hold legislators accountable. It’s time to put the reins of government back into the people’s hands.  Please donate to  I was a founding member of this group. OhioAMF is the only group I fully support for legislative efforts in Ohio. 






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