Florida School Shooter Was On Medications, According To Family Friend

Nikolas Cruz, the suspected gunman in Wednesday’s school shooting that has since left 17 people dead, was likely taking medications and had a troubled past.

The former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student was arrested about one mile from the shooting incident scene. Police said he had multiple guns and numerous magazines holding ammo.

According to the  South Florida Sun Sentinel Cruz was the legal owner of the gun.

“It was his gun,” Lewis told the source. “The family made him keep it in a locked gun cabinet in the house but he had a key.”

Cruz is reportedly the product of a troubled past. After being adopted by Lynda and Roger Cruz, he was relocated to South Florida. Lynda died this past November from pneumonia.

Family friend Barbara Kumbatovich told the Sun Sentinel that Cruz had in fact, been on medications.

“I know she had been having some issues with them, especially the older one. He was being a problem. I know he did have some issues and he may have been taking medication. (He) did have some kind of emotional or difficulties,” Kumbatovich told the newspaper. “(Lynda) kept a really close handle on both boys. They were not major issues, as far as I know, just things teenagers do like not coming home on time, maybe being disrespectful.”

Which medications remains unclear, however, over the years, theories linking mass shooters to pharma’s prescription SSRI medications have grown. Cruz’s behavior seemed to reflect a person who’d grown discontent with his surroundings over the years, he’d been living with a friend at the time of the shooting due to displeasure with his family.

One thing is becoming more and more clear, we need to take a deeper look at what these SSRI medications are doing to our society. We need more awareness and more studies.

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