WATCH: Girl Alleges HPV Vaccine Injured Her

Brittney gives an emotionally charged overview of what her life has been like for the past two years. She struggles daily with the fact her life has been forever changed. A doctor frightened her into taking the Gardasil vaccine by telling her she could get an HPV through a “possible” lab accident at college – where her blood could mingle with someone elses who had an HPV. She was never told HPV’s are sexually transmitted deseases. and having no other information, she allowed herself to be given a vaccine she never needed. Now she wishes the TRUTH to be told – more testing of this vaccine is warranted before another young woman is injured..

Canadian Concordia University’s Kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded $270,000 to research the HPV vaccine’s effects on the general population. Following the research, Rail and Abby Lippman wrote an article for Montreal’s Le Devoir. Both Raila nd Lippman warned Canadians to cease use of the HPV vaccine.

Both were lambasted.

“I’m sort of raising a red flag, out of respect for what I’ve found in my own study, and for the despair of parents who had totally perfect 12-year-olds who are now in their beds, too tired to go to school,” Rail said. “Yes, we’re going against the grain, and we are going against those who are believed, i.e. doctors and nurses and people in public health.”

Get the facts on Vaccines

Read Dr. Tenpenny’s “Vaccine Exemptions: KNOW YOUR STATE LAW”

View Dr. Tenpenny’s most recent Facebook Live Video here.

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