Los Angeles: Infected Vaccinated Child Prompts School To Remove Unvaccinated Kids

AGOURA HILLS – Almost 100 students have been told they can no longer attend school, temporarily, due to what is being called a “chicken pox outbreak.”

Parents are angry, of course, because now their children are out of school for weeks.

According to CBSLA:

“I think it’s absurd. I really really do,” says parent Nikie DesRoches.

Her 5-year-old daughter, Cozy, has been banned for 21 days because she was not vaccinated.

“I personally believe that vaccines don’t work,” says DeRochas, ” I think they are more dangerous than anything.  I feel like we are not a threat to the school.”

And now for the big reveal: The first student to come down with chicken pox was vaccinated against…chicken pox.

“There were three cases of chicken pox,” says school superintendent Daniel Stepenowsky, “A kindergartener, a first-grader, a third-grader. The first case happened around mid-March. The student was immunized, however still contracted chickenpox.”

If the first child was immunized, as the record states, how is it logical to ban only the unvaccinated? Logic aside, all these parents of children who passed on the vaccine were given 21-day walking orders. One of the parents of a non-banned, immunized child, said he supported the move because “I think the science is very clear, that vaccinations are good and not bad.” This parent’s clear science seems to remain in avoidance of lending a reasonable understanding as to how an immunized child got and spread chicken pox. Because, that’s how these things tend to go.


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