Michigan ‘Vaccine Counseling’ Program Seems To Be Failing

vaccine baby

The more they push, the more the other side seems to react and swell. In 2015, the state of Michigan began forcing parents who were unsure if they wanted to vaccinate their children to attend vaccine education counseling. This done not only for parents looking to avoid the vaccines entirely but also parents considering simply delaying them. But the tone in Michigan involving vaccines isn’t supporting the condensation type application of these programs. In fact, more parents then ever are skipping or delaying vaccines.

Prior to the vaccine education counseling, Michigan showed a 3.2 percent vaccine waiver rate for kindergartners and  7th graders. Following 2015, that number fell to just  3.1.

And the trend is being noted by state health officials.

“What we’re seeing is more vaccine hesitancy, more vaccine-resistant parents,” Bob Swanson, state Health and Human Services division of immunization director, told Monroe News. “And that’s a concern to all of us.”

“The more kids we have vaccinated, the better our population is, and that’s really what our primary goal is,” Swanson added.

In the same article, Lisa Wiervbicki, said that she fears losing parental medical rights.

“I think vaccine injury is everywhere, and nobody knows the reactions to vaccines so they’re not seeing it,” Wiervbicki said.

Michigan allows waivers for medical reasons and on religious and philosophical grounds.

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