‘More Than 8 Million Susceptible To Measles’

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Photo by Instant Vantage

The “entire population vulnerable to widespread outbreak.”

“Analysis of measles vaccination coverage data in the United State indicated that one in eight children and adolescents are at risk of measles infection.”

That’s just a couple of the points an article published on Healio.com resorted to using when attempting to persuade the masses to get vaccinated. The article was ripe with fear mongering and exaggerated to a point of ridiculousness.

“I think it’s important to point out that these results are not either totally alarming nor totally reassuring,” researcher Robert Bednarczyk, PhD, of the departments of global health and epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, told Infectious Diseases in Children. “Right now, we are seeing measles immunity levels that are sufficient to prevent sustained transmission, just as we have since 2000. But, the buffer that we have before we reach insufficient immunity levels is not very large, and we need to not get complacent. All children who are medically able to receive measles vaccine should be vaccinated at the recommended schedule.” Via Healio.

The push for mass vaccines is one based on a fundamental fear mongering core. Headlines such as this one in Healio are intended to scare the masses of not only getting infected with Measles, but also fearing that their neighbors, colleagues and classmates aren’t vaccinated. The hope being that people will put pressure on other people who may feel less inclined to get vaccinated, or completely against the idea overall.

Governments in the past have used similar methods. For example, Fascist rewarded citizens for telling on neighbors. While that may seem to be a stretch, in reality, it isn’t at all. This is Government propaganda, not Tide Bleach making a commercial appealing to the masses to encourage other people to buy their detergent.

The important thing here is to not buy into the propaganda. Remember why you oppose all, or some vaccinations. Remember that in now universe should it be OK for a Government to tell a parent what to inject into their children’s bodies. Don’t fall prey to the landslide of gory images and blown out headlines. Stay with your gut, you know more than you think.

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1 Comment on "‘More Than 8 Million Susceptible To Measles’"

  1. If Brian Deer is wrong about Wakefield’s work, I would have expected awrit the size of Texas to denecsd upon the Times, and for Wakefield to sue the pants off Deer for defamation. Can you explain why none of this has happened? Next time you post a reply, email me so I know. I only saw this by chance.Why did Wakefield discontinue his libel case? It was impossible for him and his legal team to fight the GMC case and the libel case side-by-side. The GMC case has been the longest running one ever and has lasted over approximately 140 days. Just double that plus double the preparation time and getting witnesses to both sets of hearings and having the trial Counsel in both places at the same time. The lawyers sought an adjournment of the libel case and the Court refused.Perchance it could be that Deer’s claims are (once again) actually true?Perchance pigs could fly? Like Deer claiming he is not the GMC complainant when a Court judgement records he is and cites three of his letters of complaint. Deer has never produced the letters because he can’t. They show he is the complainant.And when all the evidence in the GMC has been showing his allegations are barking mad, he reports not one word of it. Instead he comes out with a new claim which he could not find a single expert to confirm has any basis. This is Deer’s latest claim:-an eminent gastroenterologist with an outstanding career and published research history, working at the Royal Free HospitalLondon, a leading English teaching hospital with an international reputation, fixed data and in a high profile paper and not a singleone of the 12 other authors noticed this at the time or for the past 11 years because they were all in a conspiracy with Wakefield. What nonsense. The amazing thing is The Sunday Times published it and now they have been challenged to prove it funny old thing they have nothing to back it up not a single piece of paper or expert [all they have is Brian Deer’s word].

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