Flu Shot Hysterical Media Makes Big Deal Out of One Elderly Person’s Passing…

elderly senior
image credit: pixabay

Flu shot hysteria continues to be a forced sermon by health official nationwide as incidences of flu cases continue to be low and those getting flu shots continue to be, low (anyone noticing a trend here?). Because of this, the news media chomps at the bit over every potential fear mongering story, including one elderly person in Salt Lake City passing away.

According to CacheValleyDaily.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Health officials say that a Salt Lake County resident has died of the flu, marking the county’s first flu-related death this season.

Authorities said Monday that the unidentified person was over the age of 65 and had not been vaccinated for the illness.

 The flu season got off to a slow start this year, but dozens of people have been hospitalized so far. Flu season typically peaks in January and February.
What’s interesting here is that typically these stories leave out the vaccination status, I would guess due to knowing that the victims were indeed vaccinated. But in this case, they proudly announce it. The slow flu season has news teams and health officials struggling to create leverage over the masses to intimidate them into taking the flu shot. Of all the people who likely died in Salt Lake yesterday, was it newsworthy to announce this person’s death or was it convenient?
Spreading stories such as this create a nation of fear. In the end, one person (sadly) passed away. That’s life. This offers nothing substantial in the way of pushing more vaccines on people. Would this same news source report a flu shot injury? The bias is alive and well. Anyone who dies is a sad event, but this just isn’t newsworthy, it is instead opportunity to push an agenda which is really an insult to the victim. I bring this up today because I want to point out that health officials are grasping at straws. This is a desperation news story.

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