Only 121 Of 434 Members Of Congress Admit To Vaccinating Their Child

Crying little baby boy receive vaccine in office

This is one of the most absurd mainstream media spins you will ever read. put up a study claiming that “congress is unanimous on Vaccinations.” But wait, how could that possibly be? If you look at the graphic, the overwhelming response to the question “are your kids vaccinated?” is “no response.” However, NBC highlights “0 responded no” out of 434 house members.


But when it comes to the issue of vaccinations, there appears to be a level of unanimous agreement. An NBC News survey of all 434 voting members currently serving in the House of Representatives finds that not a single member indicated that their children had NOT been vaccinated.

That’s a clear fallacy to link “0 responded no” to their headline, “Congress is Unanimous on Vaccinations.” That’s misleading of the real truth, which is, in essence, well over half Congress refused to say publicly. This could also mean they are afraid of the repercussions which would come with claiming non-vaccination statuses. This is yet another shining example of the media spinning for pharmaceutical company gains and ambitions.

Only 33 people had “no children” and weren’t relevant, so that’s not the issue. The fact that most of these members refuse to even say either way is very telling. It tells us they feel fear and shame. That they want to avoid losing support for choosing the “less traveled or accepted path.” If this was NBC and Congress best shot at relaying a message that vaccines are safe, they’ve tragically failed.

The GOP nominees, including Donald Trump, have stirred the vaccination pot once again. Trump declared that vaccines are related to autism on the national debate stage, which set the pro-vaccination sphere on fire.

As the primaries wind down and Presidential hopefuls face off, it is likely that vaccinations will be front and center again. And if this is any indication of fair metric reporting by NBC over the matter, we should lower our expectations and hope at least a little. The blasphemous and erroneous reporting we are seeing in this graphic also puts on display a clear lack of complex thinking on behalf of the masses. That graphic is elementary, at best.


image credit: fotolia


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