When did hospitals turn into jails?
Watershed moments only come around so often. Last summer, the Anthony Fauci “end of life” protocol of ventilators and Remdesivir for “Covid positive” victims in major hospitals, came to a head at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Over a span of twelve days, this time last year, the hospital gained nationwide notoriety.

The story began when retired ER medical doctor Stephen Guffanti, a Sarasota County resident, checked into Sarasota Memorial Hospital at the start of August in 2021. Mistreated from the outset, the facility like other Big Hospital systems used the CDC recommended, false-positive PCR tests to put patients like Dr. Stephen Guffanti in the isolation ward. Once there, isolated under COVID-19 care, Guffanti was separated from seeing any family members or friends–aka “witnesses” to a potential crime.
Knowing that he and his roommate’s–a 50-year-old marathon runner and father, who would die three weeks later–bacterial pneumonia cases weren’t being treated properly under medical care. That impelled Dr. Stephen Guffanti to take action. First, he became the “patient advocate” for his very sick roommate; then he signed himself out under “AMA” (-Against Medical Advice), or so he thought.
On the eleventh day, Dr. Guffanti attempted self-discharge from the hospital was blocked. Instead, Sarasota Memorial Hospital security guards kidnapped him, put him in “restraints” meant for a prisoner, and then brought Guffanti down to the cellar and dumped the 70-year-old medical doctor in an isolation room, similar to the D.C. Gitmo holding pens for J6 prisoners. For four hours, tied up and unable to relieve himself, Guffant urinated in his pants before he was released.
That was how Sarasota Memorial Hospital treated one of their own community medical doctors. Like a hostage.
The fallout included my American Media Periscope “Breaking News” interview with Dr. Stephen Guffanti on same the day he escaped Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Neither he nor his roommate were alone in the hospital-turned-prison-ward system.
In abusing the PCR tests along with the CDC’s Covid policies, Sarasota Memorial Hospital–like Dr. Deborah Birx admitted last week–“made up the Covid rules” as they went along with a weak pandemic. A pandemic so non-lethal that they came up with new definitions for what is a vaccine to now monkeypox to include herpes and shingles. By the way, those two are listed as adverse events by the FDA and in the vaccine manufacturers package inserts for the Covid bioweapons.
In another case, Michelle Taveras, the Executive Director of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s organization, was blocked from seeing her dying father, who was also kept in isolation at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Between Taveras’ father (who would die a few weeks later) and Dr. Guffanti’s great escape with his roommate dying still confined to the isolation ward, enough was enough.
Protests ensued the next day outside Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Michelle Taveras retained a lawyer that finally broke the hospital’s flagrant abuse of patient rights’ so she and her mother could visit her father before he passed away.
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James Grundvig has written and published as a freelance journalist and columnist, covering subjects from autism, its cause and treatments, clean technology, green energy, and the BP Oil Spill, to business and Wall Street, and completed investigative reports on a wide range of topics since 2005. He is the founder of the cloud-based software startup in 2011 to integrate supply chain logistics in the Construction IT space. James has 25 years of consulting engineering and construction management experience on projects of scale and complexity in the New York City area. He is the author of Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement and the Government Betrayal at the CDC.