The Catastrophic Costs of Complying

By Laura Hayes, first published on

I went grocery shopping this past Saturday, first time in 30 days. I find seeing my fellow humans masked, including young children, to be soul-stripping, and I come home angry and depressed. For some reason, I thought I would not be the only unmasked person at this stage of the insanity, but I was wrong. The store was more crowded than I had seen it to date, and yet, I saw no other shopper, or employee, not wearing a mask…nearly 6 months into this global machination.

In the event you haven’t noticed, things are getting worse, not better. And I am not talking about “Covid-19”, whatever that is or isn’t (no way for us to know, as we have been lied to from the get-go). I am talking about the state of our God-given rights, many of which our U.S. Constitution was created to protect, rights that include:

  • the right to breathe freely, minus dangerous impediments;
  • the right to communicate and socialize with others, minus facial covering and physical distancing requirements;
  • the right to move about freely, including frequenting businesses of our choosing, minus finding businesses forcibly closed, and minus absurd shopping and walking around town rules;
  • the right to conduct business, minus being deemed non-essential, minus being restricted in scope and ability to conduct business, and minus being coerced to enforce dangerous and absurd requirements of employees and customers;
  • the right to assemble, minus ridiculous and arbitrary physical distancing and maximum number restrictions, and minus the forced covering of the majority of one’s face;
  • the right to seek medical, dental, and eye care, minus temperature checks, facial masking, and in some cases, Covid-19 testing requirements (with the nasal swab testing causing harm and damage to some of those being tested that way);
  • the right to practice one’s religion, and to congregate and fellowship with others, minus rules and requirements which prevent one from doing so; and the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, minus unwarranted, unconstitutional, and unacceptable government interference.

Americans should find it shocking, frightening, and intolerable that acting on our God-given fundamental rights as human beings have now been deemed illegal behavior and can result in being charged with a crime in a growing number of situations and locations. Stop and think about that for a few minutes. Prior to 2020, these were considered basic human rights:

  • the rights to breathe, smile at others, communicate
  • the rights to entertain, move about, congregate
  • the right to shop, conduct business, seek care and services, and go to church

These have instantaneously been labeled dangerous behaviors if done in a free, unregulated, and unimpeded manner. They are deemed worthy of fines, ostracization, shaming, social isolation, forced quarantine, closures, lockdowns, lawsuits. And no doubt very soon, prison time and “re-education camps”.

Perhaps this is why nearly half of U.S. states have released thousands of prisoners before their sentences were completed, including those who have committed violent crimes…to make room for those who will refuse to comply with rights-stripping, unconstitutional, life-destroying edicts made and enforced by those abusing their positions of power.

In short order, we have been put under:

  • mask requirements
  • physical distancing requirements
  • quarantining of healthy people
  • business closures
  • lockdowns
  • required testing (or lose your job, or be denied services)
  • contact tracing (how long will it take for literally every American to be put on someone’s list…I predict that could be accomplished in less than 2 weeks), and

Will dissenters soon be victims of:

  • knocks on their doors
  • removal to quarantine centers and/or re-education camps
  • forced vaccinations while being held down
  • prison time, followed by “suicides” and unexplained deaths.

Our country is being run by a real-life mafia, comprised of a small group that has assumed a powerful form of global authority. These mafia heads have many minions who populate the pharmaceutical industry and government leadership and regulatory positions. These mafia underlings then have their many minions which include elected officials, university and education system officials, the mainstream media, and public health officials. And as of late, this despotic mafia has succeeded in enlisting citizens to “police” one another, both voluntarily and for pay, via snitch lines, social media shaming, contact tracers, informants who report violations, and non-police enforcers of mask-wearing and physical distancing.

We are seeing evidence of this mafia, and associated mafia-style consequences, in many places:

  • businesses, schools, and churches being forced to close without having committed any violations;
  • business owners fearful of allowing anyone into their establishments who is not wearing a mask, even when the person meets one of the many “legal” exemptions (given that the requirements themselves are not legal, there is no justification to have to legally exempt oneself);
  • businesses now may face financially devastating fines and/or forced closure;
  • college faculty, staff, and students are required to take a pledge to submit to regular Covid-19 testing, temperature checks, mask-wearing, physical distancing, and contact tracing. And for those in the very large University of California system, the requirement of an influenza vaccine by 11-1-20 has now been added, with refusal resulting in being fired and being denied enrollment;
  • those needing/wanting surgery are being required to submit to Covid-19 testing, with refusal resulting in no treatment;
  • those needing/wanting medical, dental, or eye care are now being required to submit to temperature checks and masking requirements, with refusal resulting in no service;
  • those frequenting many businesses are being required to “sign-in” for future contact tracing purposes, with refusal resulting in being told to leave;

…and all of this has no viable opt-out, even if a “legal” exemption exists, for fear the mafia and its many minions will penalize and/or annihilate persons and businesses not falling into line and enforcing their edicts.

Today’s “exemptions” will soon be on tomorrow’s “no longer accepted” list. Should you need proof of that, just look at the history of vaccine mandates. The noose on freedom and personal liberties is tightening, and in many areas, has already been cinched.

For those who think it is no big deal to comply with the ever-increasing rules, requirements, and mandates, or that it is somehow virtuous, I urge you to reconsider and take a look at where all of this is headed, and what it means for your future, and the future of your children and grandchildren. The progression of increasing, illegal, and unconstitutional requirements has been rapid and backed by force. It is not going to stop.

Next up will be “proof” of Covid-19 status, with required periodic and repeated testing, to enter any public or private business (as though there is even one reliable test, for something that has yet to be clearly identified, for something that has yet to be proven to be contagious, and for something that has yet to be proven to be prevented or halted by mask-wearing or physical distancing), mandatory signing in wherever you go for contact tracing purposes, proof of Covid-19 vaccination (with proof of additional vaccines in short order), and in the very near future, the requirement of some type of chipping that can be scanned prior to entering any public or private business or entity, to ensure full compliance with the mafia’s demands. Comply, be denied…or worse.

It is not wise or virtuous to condone or support that which eliminates the most basic rights of human beings. It is not wise or virtuous to willingly give up our God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and freedoms, in exchange for tyranny, threats, and torture. It is not wise or virtuous to accept mafia dominance over our lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren, or the lives of others.

None of what I have written prohibits anyone from doing that which they believe protects their health, or the health of their children. If someone believes that masks are protective, not harmful, prevent the transmission of viruses, and/or believe that they or their children are particularly vulnerable for some reason, they are free to wear a mask. If their mask works as they believe it does, it should not matter to them whether or not anyone else is wearing a mask.

The same argument holds true for vaccination. If someone wants to permit a vaccine for themselves or their child, they are free to do so. If they believe that a vaccine is protective for them or their child, it should make no difference to them whether or not anyone else is vaccinated.

And therein lies the truth…when individuals and parents are free to make their own health-related decisions, that is how and when individuals, children, communities, and society at large thrive. When something is effective, it is continued, or repeated if/when necessary. When something is ineffective, or harmful, it is discontinued, not repeated, and something else may be tried in the future.

  • No one has a more vested and sincere interest in an individual or child being healthy and well than the individual or parent.
  • No one has a better firsthand account of the results of health-related decisions than the individual or parent, and therefore, it is their experiences and their decisions that matter most.
  • No one will be more accountable and personally responsible for individual and parental health-related decisions than the individual and parent.
  • Therefore, such accountability and personal responsibility are the most natural and effective motivators for beneficial and effective decisions to be made or adjusted as needed, and for harmful and ineffective decisions to be completely avoided, or never repeated.

We do not need elected officials dictating our health-related decisions, nor do we need public and global health officials pronouncing and enforcing what they deem is and isn’t healthy for us and our families, especially given their terrible track records, their conflicts of interest, and the many lawsuits against and criminal convictions of the companies who bribe, buy, influence, and control them.

What we need is health and medical choice freedom, paired with rock-solid parental rights. What we need is the free flow of information so that people can make fully informed decisions. The censorship of everything that challenges or disproves the mafia’s propaganda must be stopped. Perhaps most importantly, we need those who comprise the mafia, and their many minions, behind bars.

We need to be the change we want to see

Continued compliance will lead to increasing tyranny. We need to act individually and collectively. Connect with like-minded people in your area and get involved with Dr. Pam Popper’s “Make Americans Free Again” and Peggy Hall’s “The Healthy American”. Become a member of the Weston A Price Foundation, which provides excellent health-related information as well as action items related to protecting and regaining rights and freedoms.

Refusing to comply today is the path to regaining our rights and freedoms tomorrow.


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Laura Hayes writes and speaks about the importance of healthcare/medical choice freedom and parental rights. She has been outspoken for many years regarding the urgent need to immediately: ban vaccine mandates; enact a moratorium on each and every vaccine, as not one has been tested or approved properly or ethically; repeal the 1986 Act; and fully restore individual and parental rights with regard to healthcare and medical decision making. You can read more of her work at the Age of Autism Exclusives.

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