Turkey’s Constitutional Court ‘Wanna Vaccinate? Get Parental Permission”

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Photo by PATH global health

Turkey’s Constitutional Court has ruled that parents must first give consent before vaccinations are given to their children. This flies in the face of an earlier ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeals.

The Court stated that it was unconstitutional to vaccinate children without parental permission. This puts Turkey’s mandatory vaccination on precarious ground, as the vaccinations must be done in accordance with parental consent, or some sort of legal amendments.

The court cited Article 13 and Article 17 of the constitution in its ruling. Article 17 states that “everyone has the right to life and the right to protect and improve their corporal and spiritual existence.”

“The corporal integrity of the individual shall not be violated except under medical necessity and in cases prescribed by law and shall not be subjected to scientific or medical experiments without their consent,” the article states.

In a June 22 ruling, the Supreme Court of Appeals’ 2nd Civil Chamber said parental permission was not necessary for certain types of vaccines which were in a child’s “best interest” to receive. (source)

Turkey was, before this ruling, entering a time of true forced vaccinations which allowed Government Health agencies to vaccinate based on vaccinations determined to be immediately important to public welfare. The legal concept in this is that the Ministry of Health determines that the parent’s decision impedes and puts at risk, the child and surrounding society’s health. Therefore, the vaccination being forced is justified.

The Health Ministry in Turkey is likely to fight this ruling, citing that they have “wiped out” smallpox and saved lives. The original ruling stemmed from a single case whereas a 1-year old baby wasn’t vaccinated due to non-parental consent. There is no evidence that any illnesses, death or injury was sustained by the child. This is very similar to the Orange County, California Disney Land measles outbreak. No injury or death resulted, but lots of stiff legislation mandating vaccinations came down anyways.

Forced vaccinations are a global problem.


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