Violent Vaccine Protests Erupt In China After More Kids Become Sick

china vaccines

China’s vaccine crisis now seems to be a neverending saga that is testing the limits of both citizens and government. Last Friday, hundreds of people staged a massive protest in front of the Licheng Health Centre in Jinhu County regarding yet another issue of bad vaccines. In this case, health officials disseminated expired vaccines, causing some kids to fall ill.

Hundreds of children experienced fevers, skin rashes, colds, and vomiting, all as a result of the expired vaccines. Throughout the protest, parents of sick children could be heard calling out for answers. Police and protesters clashed, at times, violently.

At least 145 children were given expired polio vaccines, according to local reports. Last July, Chinese health officials gave hundreds of thousands of children bunk vaccines which contained very little of the active ingredients. Last November, trace amounts of a mysterious white particle was found in Sanofi’s quadrivalent seasonal flu vaccine, VaxigripTetra. Clearly, the entire region is on edge when it comes to vaccines and pharmaceutical companies.

Here’s some video showing the clashes.



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5 Comments on "Violent Vaccine Protests Erupt In China After More Kids Become Sick"

  1. I remember it saying in the Bible that one day there would be more sick people than well ones to take care of the sick. I wonder if vaccines are included in that tally?

  2. Vivian George | 01/15/2019 at 3:22 am | Reply

    Why blame just China NO vaccine from any country has ever been independently proven to be safe and effective!

  3. BlueNorthWind | 01/15/2019 at 3:16 am | Reply

    We’re not. We’re given dis and misinformation daily about the “safety” of them, but when an adverse event happens, it is blamed on the healthy unvaxxed, and we’re fed lies that the unvaxxed healthy kids are akin to ebola monkeys.

  4. I don’t understand why U.S. citizens are so trusting of health officials.

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