William Shatner Publicly Blasts Vaccine Shill Doctor…

Photo by Gage Skidmore

William Shatner’s most famous Star Trek character often found himself in surrounded science-fiction beings and landscapes, but last week, Shatner was calling out a “science” shill in Dr. David H. Gorski. Dr. Gorski is a famous breast cancer surgeon who shills for pharma, with particular emphasis on the vaccine industry. His blog, “Respectful Insolence,” commonly calls out the antivaccine movement in distasteful ways.

Recent topics on the blog include laughing at the recent science showing that dogs could be autistic and suffer vaccine injuries and “what makes a physician an anti-vaxxer?” The blog has two parts for the latter.

However, Shatner decided to take to Twitter and put on display another blog, TruthWiki.org, which exposes Dr. Gorski as a fraud and a shill for pharma.

Shatner exposed Gorski on Twitter and the vaccine shills attacked him immediately.

But Shatner didn’t stop, he kept going, reacting and responding at will.

Via Natural News

In response, David Gorski begged his friends to pen a defamatory article about William Shatner at SLATE, the rabid anti-science, Left-wing smear rag funded by George Soros, the liberty-hating globalist. SLATE also attacked the Health Ranger in another attempt to try to discredit real science that questions vaccine disinfo:

This is more proof that those who speak out against the system are publically hung by the sheep. There are too many people out there who feel too scared to speak out against the establishment. If you support Trump or are against vaccines or pharma, you are on a social hitlist. This is why we have a silent majority that is homegrown without fear. No one wants to lose their job because they didn’t get a flu shot or because they voted for Trump. So lots of people are learning to speak in other ways (like voting). But it seems Shatner didn’t care – he made his feelings public.
Photo by Gage Skidmore

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