13 VACCINATED STUDENTS Confirmed With Whooping Cough

high school
Photo by KOMUnews

The local news is terming it as “troubling,” while we are reporting it as obvious and unsurprising. Davie County, North Carolina is experiencing a rash of Pertussis cases, 13 to be precise. The cases began being reported on December 7th. 11 of the cases came from the local High School while the 2 others are college students. It can take 21 days for Pertussis to show symptoms following contracting it. Parents of students were sent the following note, according to MyFox8.com.

“Pertussis begins with cold like symptoms and after a week or two the mild cough turns into severe coughing. The severe cough will come in spasms where the person cannot stop coughing and may lose their breath, vomit after coughing, or have a whooping sound when trying to breathe in at the end of the cough. If your child has any of these symptoms or develops these symptoms in the next 21 days, please keep them home from school and seek medical attention from a medical provider. Even if your child has been vaccinated with Tdap and they are symptomatic, they should see their medical provider.
Pertussis is treatable with antibiotics. Close contacts may need preventive treatment if they are at risk. Close contact is considered to be face to face (within 3 feet) for 15 minutes or longer. Risk factors include household contacts to a confirmed case, pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy, infants less than 12 months of age, persons with pre-existing health conditions at risk for severe illness or complications. If you have been a close contact with no symptoms or risks but you are in contact with at-risk people, you will need preventive treatment also.”

According to the same source, the students were all previously vaccinated for Pertussis, which has the school frazzled enough to send out the aforementioned notice to parents. Once again, however, the fact that these children were vaccinated is being left largely ignored by the media. This vaccine failed to deliver what it claims it will. The product failed and the product’s maker should be held accountable. Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in by any standard of the imagination. There needs to be either accountability, or an admission that this vaccine is a failure.

This story is sure to become another case for vaccinations, which is utterly absurd, but the reality with which we live. The writing is right there in front of us.

Photo by KOMUnews


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