Planned Parenthood In Position To Usher In President Kamala Harris

Is anyone surprised that the Planned Parenthood Action Fund was one of the very first organizations to fully and wholeheartedly support Kamala Harris for POTUS after Biden dropped out? This action fund is the advocacy wing of the non-profit Planned Parenthood Federation. Alexis McGill Johnson is the president of both groups.

Kamala is certainly a supporter of Planned Parenthood. She made much fanfare in March 2024 when she became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic when she toured a Planned Parenthood facility in Minnesota. However, the reason Kamala and Planned Parenthood are in the mutual admiration club runs much deeper than a visit by Kamala.

Remember when Planned Parenthood was in hot water over possible violations regarding the sale of aborted fetal tissue? Remember articles like this from 2015, which dared to ask questions about who buys and sells fetal tissue, what these tissues are used for and what the law allows?

Remember David Daleiden? He made the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood in 2014 to gather evidence that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling tissue from aborted fetuses. Planned Parenthood executives were bragging on video about how much money they made selling fetal body parts.

California led the charge in prosecuting Daleiden. While no charges were brought against Planned Parenthood PP in California, citing lack of evidence, Daleiden was charged in 2017 with 15 criminal counts. In late 2019, a federal jury in San Francisco ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood, rejecting arguments that Daleiden was acting as an investigative journalist. This court ordered his organization, the Center for Medical Progress, to pay Planned Parenthood $2.3 million for violating federal & state laws by trespassing on private property and secretly recording video of others without their consent.

Who started the initial investigation of Daleiden in California? None other than Attorney General Kamala Harris. Despite demands to delve into Planned Parenthood to see what was going on, the organization seemed untouchable.

Dems, donations, and democide

Why is the Democrat party the one who donates to Planned Parenthood? Why does this party block bills like the 2019 Republican bill that called for prison time for doctors who don’t try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions? They literally voted for infanticide, and once again, Senator Kamala Harris was front and center.

Kamala is in good company; all we have to do is look at who donates to Planned Parenthood. And who Planned Parenthood (PP) donates to. Hold the phone, you say? Planned Parenthood is a struggling nonprofit on a shoestring budget, right?

The 2014 PP annual report (the last report available prior to the 2016 election) showed steady annual decline in revenue from legitimate health care services like pap smears and breast exams. The report also showed that PP received $553.7 million in government funding; at the same time, PP executives were calling for even more government funding. However, at the same time, PP’s top six executives had salaries totaling a half billion dollars. CEO Cecile Richards (daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards) had a salary that doubled to over $1M in just three years, according to Texas Right to Life.

Then, in 2016, Planned Parenthood endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States – the first time in the organization’s history to do so. Shortly thereafter, PP and similar advocacy organizations committed to spending at least $20 million in the 2016 election cycle. How is this even possible?

It turns out that PP may have donated even more off the books. Here’s a 2018 article reporting that the organization was fined for not disclosing its donations to Hillary’s presidential campaign.

Why does PP have its own Political Action Committee (PAC)? And why did they donate $700K to Congressional candidates in 2016? And why did their leader Cecile Richards (daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards) speak at the DNC Convention? PP Loves Hillary!:

Are you surprised that PP was part of the Clinton Global Initiative as far back as 2012? These ties go way, way back. It is a mutual love fest. Here’s how it works: Planned Parenthood gives Hillary an award for her unwavering commitment to women’s health, then Hillary calls for more government funding for Planned Parenthood. Then PP opens the checkbook to make political donations.

The Clintons aren’t the only ones donating to Planned Parenthood. Let’s look at who else is opening their pocketbooks. Million dollar donors include former Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, author Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) and Eugene McDermott’s Foundation (he co-founded Texas Instruments).

The biggest donor? MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos ex-wife, who donated $275M in 2022.

Warren Buffett donated $361M to PP and other organizations specifically for abortion services, from the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, named after his late wife. The organization has come under fire for not mentioning abortion; instead they say the focus on college scholarships to students in Nebraska. That’s a lot of scholarships!

Other donors include the Hewlett Family (Hewlett Packard co-founder), Michael Bloomberg, and of course George Soros.

Not struggling for money

Planned Parenthood is not a financially struggling organization; it is an extremely wealthy organization. In 2022, it brought in over $2 billion! About one-third of that came from donors, about one-third from revenue (of God knows what), and the final one-third from government funding. Obama threw them some love too with $1M in Obamacare grants.

While PP is not struggling for money, they may be feeling the heat in other areas. Daleiden hasn’t given up. In March 2024, many of his undercover video clips were played publicly for the first time in Congressional hearings. The videos were covered up for eight years. Daleiden’s organization provided the footage to Congress under subpoena in 2015, but soon after that, a federal injunction was granted to Planned Parenthood by San Francisco Judge William Orrick III, who helped open, operate, and fund a Planned Parenthood abortion referral clinic prior to being appointed to the federal bench.

In the videos, Planned Parenthood personnel made very incriminating admissions. In short, these employees admit the lucrative financial incentive for selling aborted fetal body parts. Here’s one clip where Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, Dr. Stacy De-Lin, enthusiastically accepts an undercover reporter’s offer to pay $1,500 for a fetal liver, calling it a financial incentive that the “people we have to get this approved from, will be very happy about.”

Shockingly, PP admitted to mutilating baby’s bodies in order to hide violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law. Here’s a clip from Houston, in which Gulf Coast Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, describes how she mutilates the bodies of babies so that the procedure doesn’t count as a PBA (partial birth abortion): “I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so it’s not PBA [partial-birth abortion].”

Do you really believe this has anything to do with a woman’s right to choose?

It’s not just disgusting; it’s murder plain and simple, but welcome to the real world. Here’s a clip from Connie Cantrell of Cedar River Clinics talking about her lucrative business with fetal organ wholesaler StemExpress: “I just went into this [business], and it was very good. And now we’ve gone through our first year, I mean, I was looking at numbers of $250,000 a year.”

And, a newly released public records request shows an alliance between Planned Parenthood and the University of California San Diego to profit from the “harvesting and sale” of aborted human fetuses for research patents. This damning evidence shows violation of federal law, and sales of aborted baby parts for far more money than ever known before.

Who will win this battle? Will it be Congress or will it be Kamala? Let’s hope Congress keeps pushing for disclosure of this horrendous violation of federal law and humanity. Otherwise, we’ll get Kamala Harris, who is not just pro-abortion, but is “vehemently opposed to any reasonable restrictions on abortion. She has used her power in office to obliterate the weak while attempting to remove religious freedom protections.”

Let’s see what happens. In the meantime, pray for the unborn and pray for our country. Only God can save us from this wickedness.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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