When The Ankle Bracelets Come Off But The Silent Terror Continues 

This is an update on Genesis Church, Mark Grenon and chlorine dioxide. A year ago, Maryam Henein brought us the tragic story of the sentencing of Mark and his two sons. It has been a year, and Maryam is providing us a much-needed update. What is he guilty of? Talking about chlorine dioxide, a substance that Dr. Tenpenny’s colleague Dr. Lee Merritt calls the “universal antidote.” Read on to hear this chilling tale.

I finally met Mark Grenon two weeks ago, on the day the United States government finally removed his ankle bracelet. He and I first made contact four and a half years ago during the Rona Regime. I first saw Mark Grenon, the Genesis Church bishop and godfather of mineral salts (MMS), on Alex Jones’ BANNED, touting the benefits of chlorine dioxide, also known as MMS.

“You know how most have disclaimers? As a church, I have a proclaimer. I can say the ‘C’ word all day long,” Grenon told me in a 2020 interview. Do you recall when President Trump discussed swallowing detergent? Many of us believe Trump was referencing MMS.

When Churches Aren’t Even Safe

Mark would become one of the first 50 to receive an FDA Warning Letter in April 2020 for selling MMS, a health aid used for decades. This was part of Operation Quack Hack. You can listen to my bombshell interview with the FDA by reading my substack.

The injunction letter ordered that his website be taken down and its supplies destroyed. Since he lived in Colombia, he responded via letter rather than showing up in person. But then he and his three sons in Florida were arrested. Following the first letter, a federal judge sent him a court order in May.

I interviewed Mark again when my beautiful magazine and marketplace, HoneyColony, also got caught in the crosshairs of Operation Quack Hack. I

The FDA, FTC, and DOJ temporarily shut down my website too. Our transgression — using the word ‘prevention’ in the same sentence as ‘coronavirus.’ They also came after our best-selling chelated silver.

All is well now.

During the Rona Regime, we witnessed churches pedaling face diapers and fear. The church is co-opted too. Would Jesus Christ sport a face mask? I don’t think so. Eventually, they arrested Grenon, the 67-year-old missionary, in Colombia. The farce is that the government pays 20k a month for prisoners. It’s yet another racket. In jail, Mark was able to use Telegram to conduct interviews. His wife was even able to visit him in jail.

And then in 2022, the US marshalls deported Grenon and his son to Miami. This was shortly after Shadowland was released —the garbage Peacock Series that smeared me and others. I mention the show because I consciously mentioned Mark to bring attention to his story. The production media even covered the prison protest I organized for his sons.

His “crime” was training hundreds of thousands to cure diseases using chlorine dioxide (CD).

Two of Mark Grenon’s other missionary sons were abducted in 2020 from their Florida home in a swat-style, high-profile arrest with worldwide television coverage. They were sentenced to 13 years for the fraudulent charge of “conspiracy to defraud the American people” and two fabricated charges of contempt of court.

The court was a monkey trial, and Grenon refused to use attorneys.

Silenced & Terrorized

In jail, Mark was subjected to abuse. Imagine living in a detention center for years without ever going outside. Drinking tap water and processed food day in and day out. He was living in a moldy environment and was subjected to diesel therapy, where prisoners were bussed from one place to the other.

Eventually, Mark’s health collapsed, and when he asked for medical help, he was denied, until his heart gave out, and he had to have heart surgery.

After several years in prison, he was released to home confinement on September 4, 2024, with a GPS ankle bracelet. He was just released on probation. They wanted to give Mark life! However, his Columbia residence status prevented that, so they gave the two sons arrested in Florida 12 years. They have never committed any crimes. They are languishing in a Yazoo, Mississippi prison. One has never met his 4-year-old son. A third son is imprisoned for seven more years in Fort Dix, New Jersey. Another is also out on probation and waiting to be reunited with his family he hasn’t seen in 4 years.

The Un-United States Of America

Mark cannot speak to me as a journalist, only as a friend. He cannot talk to any journalists for fear of being imprisoned again. We joked that if we were to live together, they’d blow up our house in a week.

So, we have an American citizen who cannot speak freely. It’s a disgrace, and people like Mark (and myself) who didn’t sell our souls and sacrificed our livelihoods are the true heroes of medical freedom. Mark has been a pastor and surgical assistant in the US, Colombia, Nigeria, West Africa, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic (DR) for over forty years. His philosophy is, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves.” In the first part of his career, his sole mission was to teach the word of God and help others.

Mark was a close friend of Jim Humble, the now-deceased key figure in CD innovation and worldwide use. After Jim had taught Mark about chlorine dioxide’s potential, he felt called to spread the information and incorporate this mission into his faith. He started the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and, over the ensuing years, hosted training seminars in over a hundred countries.

Mark asked Kacper Maciej Postawski, an Internet personality, to help him produce a chlorine dioxide documentary. It was initially published in 2016 at www.quantumleap.is with subtitles in nine languages but was taken down during the “pandemic” in 2020.

Thousands of people worldwide watched it, enabling the “G2Church” to spread to more than 130 countries. Mark and his sons trained over 2000 people to use CD to treat many illnesses.

Another man who saw Quantum Leap was so impressed that he devoted over a year and more than $100,000 to produce a second complete documentary. By this time, Mark’s team had recorded thousands of CD testimonials, and he made them available for the film. Since NASA had said CD was “the universal antidote,” TheUniversalAntidote.com was used for the movie’s web address. These two videos are required for viewing by anyone who wants to understand chlorine dioxide fully. (I watched them at double speed.)

Mark Grenon and his sons built a compound in Barahona, Dominican Republic, to house US medical missions. Over the years, the teams performed surgical procedures and other assistance in local hospitals. One of Mark’s three oldest sons’ roles was to go to mountain villages to “triage” or examine those who needed surgery before they were transported.

During this time, Mark and his eight sons developed boils and abscesses on their legs, armpits, face, and body that were diagnosed as methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA) infections. Mark was told by a few of the surgeons that no antibiotic available would cure them. One claimed that only amputation and skin grafts would help. Mark was a sophisticated healthcare provider, so he sought second opinions online. He eventually found Humble’s work describing CD. He claimed it was:

  • a miracle cure for MRSA
  • a cure for malaria, the #1 killer in the history of mankind
  • a cure for AIDS, diabetes, cancer, the flu, and even the common cold

Mark thought it sounded like “snake oil,” but his sons’ infections were worsening and spreading among other children. He searched for other cures, but no pharmaceutical drug was promising.

The Discovery of Our Lifetime

Jim Humble provided Part 1 of his book free on his website. It described how four men on Jim’s crew became deathly sick with malaria when searching for gold in the jungles of British Guyana, South America. Since they had no malaria medicine, he sent a runner to the nearest village with a pharmacy. It was over a day’s journey, and the men got worse as they waited.

Earlier in his life, Jim worked in health stores and knew about a product called stabilized oxygen. He had a few bottles with him.

In desperation, Humble gave each man a few drops of the medicine in a glass of water, hoping it would help them until the malaria medicine arrived. To his surprise, within a few hours, two of the four men who looked like they were going to die were sitting up laughing. Jim gave them all a few drops more. The next day, all the men were back to work and feeling fine. By the time the malaria drugs arrived, they were cured.

World Health Stabilized Oxygen

Jim tried Stabilized Oxygen for other people sick with malaria, and more than half recovered immediately. The others needed a few more days. Humble had found something precious, but it was not a yellow metal. He quickly ran out of the product and returned to Georgetown, Guyana’s capital.

Many parts of the world, including all of Guyana, suffer from malaria, a parasite transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Jim shared his unexpected cure with the country’s vice president, who mentioned the story to his health director, who told the President. The next day, Jim was told to leave the country immediately. He learned later that Guyana’s primary pharmaceutical supplier threatened to stop donating medications to the hospital in Georgetown if information about the malaria cure became public.

It was Humble’s first brutal lesson about Pharma’s willingness to commit genocide rather than risk profits. It was also the start of his lifelong commitment to bringing chlorine dioxide to the world. Jim knew that malaria kills 1.5 million yearly, which is cumulatively more people than all the wars in history. It kills almost twice as many yearly as tuberculosis’s 1.2 million.* He knew he could save these people.

*Note: These figures are from Mark and Jim’s work and seem credible. “Captured” sources like the World Health Organization claim that AIDS and Covid have more fatalities.

Those of us who know the history understand that the bulk of AIDS deaths were due to AZT “treatment.” (Reference: RFK Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci, 2021.) Likewise, anyone awake during the last few years understands that the cause of the recent elevated death rates was primarily the toxic COVID-19 “vaccine.” Other factors included the promotion of poisons such as remdesivir and the concealment of treatments such as ivermectin. It was not the virus because total fatalities never increased until the vaccine “rollout”.

The Research

Howard Aliger’s brilliant early CD innovations are still used, but he never considered taking it by mouth. Jim’s oral use was a stunning breakthrough that he was forced to try when his men were nearly dead.

Although others have claimed credit, Jim was responsible. For example, I spent time with an anonymous source who said he supplied a similar product and taught Jim how to use it. However, after Jim returned, Mark Grenon and Jim spent weeks reviewing the discovery and never mentioned another collaborator. Although Mark soon became a full partner in the quest to understand CD’s healing properties, he claimed no credit for the discovery.

Humble did not know why only half the people who took Stabilized Oxygen recovered immediately and why others required a few more days. He found the active ingredient when he learned sodium chlorite turned into chlorine dioxide when mixed with an acid. Jim speculated that converting sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide worked better for some because people produce different amounts of hydrochloric stomach acid.

Sodium chlorite is widely used for water purification; in higher concentrations, it is used in textile mills to bleach fabrics. Unlike sodium hypochlorite or Clorox (bleach), it does not harm fabric.

Jim began experimenting. He learned he could produce CD using various food-grade acids such as lemon, citric, and vinegar as the activator. (Vinegar contains 5-10% acetic acid.) He began experimenting with mixing sodium chlorite with citric acid and found 35 to 50 percent citric-produced CD after about three minutes. He did not initially use hydrochloric acid (HCl) because he wanted a safe product that people could get cheaply and in bulk. However, HCl later turned out to be the best-tolerated formulation.

Humble decided to test his ideas in Africa because it had so much malaria. By this point, he had lost trust in doctors and chose to rely on missionaries. He sent hundreds of bottles of 22.4% sodium chlorite and 50% citric acid to some of his colleagues. After a few months, they told him, “Those drops work great—send more!”

In 2000, Jim went to Africa and stayed for several years. He saw thousands of people healed from malaria within hours to a few days. CD was also curing AIDS, cancers, MRSA, diabetes, infections, and even the flu. At the end of this period, Jim wrote in his book that 95 percent of all illnesses could likely be cured with chlorine dioxide.

By 2005, Jim Humble had written and published his book, BREAKTHROUGH, the Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, and copies were sold worldwide. In his naivete, he approached the Gates Foundation about the chlorine dioxide malaria cures he had seen. Their response was to tell him to do a clinical study, which they knew was impossible for him because it would have cost many millions. Jim established his proof by documenting his clinical experiences. After Mark read Jim’s book in 2006, he and his sons added their efforts to the project.

Mark cured his MRSA in two weeks using CD, then gave it to his children. The infection was gradually eradicated from their family over about a year. Jim’s book became Mark’s health bible.

When Mark’s medical teams heard his claims, most of them thought he was crazy and never came back to work. So he decided to test CD independently in the Caribbean areas where he was a missionary. When he did, he saw the same results Humble wrote about while in Africa.

In Africa, Humble saw cures for cancer, diabetes, AIDS, Dengue fever, elephantiasis, and other infections, including even influenza. Mark was in a different part of the world, a different culture, working with a different race, but he was getting the same results.

Jim dubbed chlorine dioxide “Miracle Mineral Supplement” (MMS) because it seemed miraculous, almost a gift from a benevolent God. Grenon used it for two years in the Caribbean, reproduced Jim’s results, and started a website called “MMS for Hispaniola.”

After three years of experience with MMS in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, Mark and his sons decided to spread the word more widely. He contacted Jim Humble, who suggested they set up an MMS training center in Grenon’s DR compound to train people worldwide. Jim sent Mark $25,000 and came to Hispaniola in January 2010.

In a few months, Jim and Mark developed a syllabus for five-day seminars. They soon had over 40 protocols, including how to make MMS from scratch. The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing held its first seminar in April 2010, inviting those who had read Jim’s book. Thirty-five people from 15 countries came and brought their testimonials about CD.

Jim stayed with Mark in the Dominican Republic for 2 1/2 years, then went to Mexico, and Mark moved to Colombia to teach there. Their accomplishments included:

  • Mark helped Jim write his second book
  • They developed other protocols
  • They hosted nineteen seminars with over 500 participants from 40+ countries
  • In 2004, Jim and Mark did a training tour of Europe, Africa, New Zealand, and South America

Mark and his sons went on to host 63 more seminars in 19 countries over the following ten years. In 2016, Mark wrote his first book, Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE. The same year, he produced a documentary about his Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. He wrote two other books about CD in 2018 and 2020.

The effects of these efforts on millions of people are still compounding, but in 2020, Mark and his sons were kidnapped and stood trial under fraudulent pretenses.

On September 1, 2023, Jim Humble died at 90. The world lost a great humanitarian who would have received the Nobel Prize for medicine if it had been awarded honestly. But these prizes, along with polls, are a creation of Tavistock. Just more social engineering in this fake and gay inverted matrix of bullshit.

Because of the efforts of Jim, Mark, and his sons, tens of millions worldwide now use chlorine dioxide to cure a vast range of diseases.

References and notes


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Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. Read her Substack here. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Twitter @maryamhenein. Email her: maryam@honeycolony.com.

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