Australia Says Rubella Is Gone, Pats Itself On Back

The World Health Organization claims that rubella has been eliminated from Australia. Rubella is often blamed for miscarriages in pregnant women. The WHO says that rubella, also known by German measles, is completely gone from Australia at this juncture.

Rubella symptoms include rashes, swollen lymph nodes, and fever.

When rubella is contracted within the first two and a half months of pregnancy, health experts claim that it can cause stillbirths and miscarriages. It is also blamed for babies being born deaf, blind, and with heart defects, among many other conditions.

Australia’s announcement isn’t without critics who claim that mandatory vaccinations are equally as damaging. To those who oppose compulsory vaccine shots, the announcement sounds more like a big pat on the back for Australian health officials. Or, more fodder to push for even harsher mandatory vaccine laws.

In the United States, rubella is part of the controversial MMR vaccine formula.

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