Media Begins Flu Shot Fear Mongering Assault On Heels Of Pediatric Death

flu shot

The CDC and the mainstream media are reporting “early flu deaths” in several states across the country. The propaganda machine is fanning the flames of “the deadly flu is coming for you” agenda. It’s an agenda always timely with the beginning of the school year.

New York City is listing its first pediatric flu death of the season. Via acting New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot’s statement, we only know the child was under the age of 18. We have no info on gender, exact age, health status, or even what part of New York the child resided. And, we don’t know if the child was previously vaccinated against the flu. It always seems a measure of brand protection convenience is taken when these tragedies happen.

The CDC claims that last year, 80,000 people died as a result of the flu. But even those details are murky at times. Often, there is no proper diagnosis of flu, just assumptions by medical professionals.

The World Health Organization says that “now is the time to get the flu shot.” This wreaks of the plotline to some horror movie where a bunch of teenagers is hanging out in an abandoned shed and hear a noise (leave now, or be mutilated by a terrifying caricature of a killer).

The WHO claims the latest flu shot formula, which now includes a potion to stave off the H3N2 virus, is the bee’s knees of all flu shots ever concocted.

All in all, only 50% of Americans will get the flu shot. When you consider the vast and widespread and aggressive marketing campaigns intended to fear-monger citizens into getting flu shots, that’s quite a humble number. If the flu shot had to live off its achievements and failures, rather than a massive scale marketing push, it would be hardly relevant (in my opinion, of course).

Australia is wrapping up a rather mild flu season, which usually is an indicator for the western hemisphere.

The mainstream media’s flu shot pitch usually concedes the shot’s poor efficacy, but then somehow surmises its the “best defense.” Case and point, here’s an excerpt from a Fox News article pushing flu shots and flu fear.

Although we have all been quite open about the fact that the flu vaccine is not the greatest vaccine and we really need to continue making improvements in it, it’s still an extremely effective public health tool. It is the best defense we have against a virus that still kills and sickens too many of us each year.

While the article mentions handwashing as a defense, it seems that such a basic act remains second fiddle to a flu vaccine that notoriously fails us. There is no mention of a healthy diet. There is only “get a flu shot, its the best defense.”

Doesn’t this imply that if you had to choose between hand washing and a flu shot, you’d be better off with a flu shot?

That logic doesn’t fly, in my humble opinion.

Tis’ the season, folks, the fear-mongering propaganda machine is in high gear. Prepare for 6 months of horror filled headlines. Oh, and wash your hands.


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