Bill Gate’s Pays Off Vaccine Debts In Nigeria

Photo by jurvetson

Nigeria is in serious debt to Japan; $76 million to be exact. And it is all derived from debt accrued from polio vaccines. Nigeria’s debt is a consequence of Overseas Development Assistance back from Japan’s 2014 “assistance” with polio eradication. They claim its worked as Nigeria has reported only two “wild” cases of Polio the following two years beyond the funding.

“Some people, especially these days, think the world is getting worse,” Gates said at the convention  last June. “The progress on polio is a reminder of what people can accomplish when they are bold, determined, and willing to work together.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have eradicating polio as one of their top priorities.

But what does this ultimately mean for Nigeria? Is it now the property and under the rule of the Gate’s empire? Gates is not only starting up his own “utopian” societies in the United States but now he’s essentially buying up dilapidated African nations. Charity and philanthropy can be a precursor to enslavement.


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