Cavity Vaccine On Horizon…

Photo by ashleeappendicitus

Worried about cavities? Well, there may soon be a vaccine for that. In an attempt to avoid applying a healthy diet to oral health, pharma now just wants to vaccinate people against cavities.

Researchers based at Wuhan Institution of Virology (WIOV) claim that a tooth decay vaccine might well be on the horizon. A study in Scientific Reports claims that the vaccine would benefit several oral health factors.

Yan Huimin, who is the research leader, tested various proteins he believes can prevent cavities. Caries, or cavities, are said to be caused by bacteria Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans). The vaccine would supposedly stop this bacteria from causing caries. The Chinese have attempted this in the past but found their solutions to have too many unwanted side-effects. So Huimin’s main objective was to lower the unwanted side-effects.

The WHO considers cavities to be one of the largest health issues in industrialized countries.

The researchers failed to mention what would happen if industrialized nations educated more people on the benefits of eating a healthy diet. Aren’t we dumping fluoride in the tap water of industrialized nations? I thought we were already protected.

It seems every health issue in the world is an opportunity for vaccine implementation.

Photo by ashleeappendicitus

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1 Comment on "Cavity Vaccine On Horizon…"

  1. Guss Bonner | 09/29/2017 at 6:58 pm | Reply

    I really love this and want more information…

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