Chilling Ingredient Used in the COVID-19 Vaccine

By Sherri J Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM

The horseshoe crab is thought to be 300 million years old; that’s 200 million years older than dinosaurs. They don’t sting, don’t bite and don’t harm us in any way. The annual spring congregation of egg-laden horseshoe crabs on the east coast provides a vital food source for annual migrations of millions of shorebirds.

But even this harmless sea creature may be annihilated by pharma’s insatiable drive to make a universal coronavirus vaccine. In 1990, biologists estimated 1.24 million crabs spawned in Delaware Bay, a main egg-laying nursery grounds and prime collection point for the companies. By 2019, that number had dropped to 335,211. Conservation groups feel that the planned harvest by vaccine manufacturers may lead to the species’ extinction.

Horseshoe crabs are known for their unique blue blood. But it’s not the blood’s color that is the attraction. A unique chemical found in its blood, called coagulogen, is used by the drug companies to detect as little as a few parts per billion of dangerous endotoxin bacterial contamination in any medication, medical devise or vaccine. According to  Associates of Cape Cod, Inc, one of a handful of horseshoe crab blood processors, that’s like “finding a grain of sand in an Olympic swimming pool.”

First licensed in the 1970’s, coagulogen has become the gold standard of pharmaceutical purity testing. This simple test, referred to as a limulus amebocyte lysate test, or LAL  for short, is named after the white blood cells (amebocytes) from which the chemical is harvested. The extract is so powerful that if even a trace of endotoxin is present, coagulogen will neutralize it into a gel. If no gel is formed, the product is considered to be free of bacteria. The FDA mandates that all injectable or indwelling materials to be certified as endotoxin-free using the LAL test before a product can be manufactured and sold into the market.

Harvesting the Crab: Big Business

The American LAL industry has been around a long time. The first commercial LAL production facility was established in Chincoteague, VA in 1971. Currently, several production facilities are located from Massachusetts to South Carolina. After the FDA granted approval for the commercial use of the LAL test in 1987, demand for testing reagents soared through the 1990s. Currently, drug companies require at least 80 million test units each year for drug and device testing. With the specter of using the LAL test to certify more than 15 billion COVID vaccines – two shots for every human on planet – the demand for horseshoe crab blood and LAL testing reagents may soom be stratospheric.

The crabs are harvested by local fisherman and taken to collection facilities which then return them to water within 24 to 72 hours of harvesting their blood. The crabs are returned to the ocean a great distance from where they were initially picked up to avoid recurrent rebleeding from the same crab. The process is rather straight forward: the animals are strapped into collection devices and a catheter is inserted into the sinuses where their blood is removed. Pharma claims it is a harmless procedure, similar to a human giving blood.

But how harmless is exsanguinating 30 percent of the animals’ blood?

Nearly 500,000 sea creatures are caught and then bled each year. This number is about to explode. The value of the commercial harvest of horseshoe crabs grew from about $400,000 in 2004 to more than $1.8 million in 2014. In 2018, a teaspoon of LAL was worth about $75 and the market value had ballooned to $112 million.

“The problem is that the companies need a large supply of the blood from live crabs,” a 2014 article in The Atlantic noted. “Horseshoe crabs live on the seafloor, near the shore. When they want to mate, they swim into very shallow water, and horseshoe crab collectors wade along, snatching the crabs out of their habitat.

Synthetic Alternatives

Because the demand for the LAL agent is about to explode as global vaccine demand is ramped up, alternatives for coagulogen are being explored. It appears a replacement for the blood harvesting may have been found.

Numerous articles have been published about the development of a recombinant Factor C (rFC) test, a recombinate, synthetic alternative to the LAL test. Comparative testing of samples tested with both the LAL and recombinant rFC suggests that the new test may even be superior for identifying bacterial endotoxins.

The results of a six-year study was published in the journal, Microorganisms, in March 2020. The study, which compared endotoxin sensitivity of LAL assay and two different rFC-based assays, demonstrated that both rFC-based assays were comparable to LAL. In fact, the rFC-based methods generated even better endotoxin recovery rates than traditional LAL testing. The researchers concluded:

“The rFC-based tests were found to represent reliable methods, as equivalent or even superior to LAL assays and suitable for routine bacterial endotoxin testing.”

A similar study, released in July 2020, concluded:

“rFC assays offer a number of benefits, including compliance with the principles of the 3Rs, i.e., replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal testing by safeguarding animal welfare and promoting more ethical and sustainable use of animals for testing… In summary, we demonstrated that both LAL and rFC assays are adequate for testing and releasing four vaccine products.”

Conservationists fear that the demand for horseshoe crab blood for COVID-19 vaccines may exterminate the crabs and greatly impact the shorebird population that depends on them. A synthetic substitution would be good news for the horseshoe crab population and for the entire environmental and marine ecosystem. And better for humans too.

If it becomes impossible for people to refuse the hydrogel-contaminated COVID19 vaccine, at least the vaccine will not decimate the horseshoe crab population for its manufacturing process.


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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is a board-certified osteopathic medical doctor from Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Tenpenny is a practicing physician and cares for patients 2.5 days per week. Dr. Tenpenny is an internationally known expert on the problems associated with vaccines. Students from all over the world have become confident parents and articulate activists through her online educational courses, found at As the “Voice for the Health Freedom,” Dr. Tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination.

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19 Comments on "Chilling Ingredient Used in the COVID-19 Vaccine"

  1. Every time I think it can’t get any worse, I see another shocking cruel senseless exploitation of innocent creatures. Humanity needs to wake up or get off this planet! Wake up or get the f—ck out!

  2. Frank Chappell | 05/09/2021 at 2:56 pm | Reply

    I have a very pertinent question regarding this blue crab blood process. Does any of the blue crab blood remain in the final product of the vaccine? Does any of it even trace amounts of it end up getting injected in the person taking the vaccine?

  3. Dear Dr.Sherri Tenpenny,
    I heard your interview with Joni on Daystar, but so interesting, so I wanted to know if you had the written scrip (printed notes) from it available? If so, please send to my email address as I need it urgently for friends and family.
    PS: They wont take the time to listen on YouTube that why I need the notes on that interview please. Thank you.

  4. Is there any iodine in any of the COVID vaccine? The kind you use in contrast media for MRI’s and such.

    Thank you

  5. Daniel Gray | 02/26/2021 at 4:35 pm | Reply

    I have the perfect solution for eliminating all endotoxin bacterial contamination that doesn’t require any testing. Outlaw all vaccinations!
    The idea of testing for endotoxin bacterial contamination when vaccines are themselves a concoction of dangerous toxins is the ultimate in stupidity!

  6. Probably a really dumb question, but is there any chance that this could be one of the many reasons why so many have anaphylactic shock responses to the “vaccine”? Maybe those with shellfish allergies? I’m sure I’m not the only one that has wondered….

  7. It looks like the back end and tail of the animal has been cut off. Is that correct? Then they are released back into the sea?
    What about their babies? How can they possibly survive with a piece of them missing and 30% of their blood syphoned off.

    Who are these people that do such things? They must be from another planet. They couldn’t be human. I hate this era.
    When I read obituaries of people who have lived in a different time that have passed recently….I envy them.

    God help us.

  8. This is unnacceptable. THe vaccine is harming us. We are against this. We ask everyone to join us in stopping them now

  9. Thank you very much from the UK Dr Tenpenny, for your great work.
    Nothing is sacred to those evil people, they are inhuman. Please wake up everyone.


    The video above has been removed by youtube for violation of policy it says – yeah okay like anybody believes them. Anyhow I am wondering if you have another link to the same video. It is an interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Madej – thanks

  11. Jerome Lawson | 11/17/2020 at 2:10 pm | Reply


  12. Michael Furci | 11/15/2020 at 8:50 am | Reply

    The pharmaceutical industry is a societal nightmare.

  13. susan wirt | 11/11/2020 at 12:02 pm | Reply

    Is Luciferase a replacement for the horseshoe crab blood?
    By the way I have lived in Florida all my life-more than 6 decades- and the the horseshoe crabs used to be everywhere on the beaches-not so much anymore-now I know why.

  14. What is the crabs blood or a synthetic substitute doing to human bodies? Has anyone studied that?? This is unconscionable. For the love of everything pure and truthful, people have a right to know what is being injected into them. Our legislators should be pushing and mandating a law that forces the states, health depts and fed govt to provide VIS vaccine information sheets with all ingredients listed on that information sheet and ALL adverse side effects just as the box insert states. People need to make their own decisions about what is being injected into them and their kids. We deserve the right to KNOW!

  15. jacqui butterworth | 11/07/2020 at 9:15 am | Reply


  16. I just threw up.

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