Connecticut Flu Shot Law To Ban No-Compliant Pre-Schoolers After Dec. 31

Connecticut flu shot

Connecticut’s Department Of Public Health is warning parents of pre-K children that “time is up” for flu shots. As per state law, schools will have the authority to refuse entrance to all two to four-year-olds who haven’t had a flu shot by the end of the year.

The only exceptions will be for parents who present a signed statement from a health care provider who issues a medical exemption at the time the child has a vaccination appointment. Otherwise, the child will not be allowed to attend school after December 31, 2018.

PLEASE NOTE: Children of all ages are may exercise a religious exemption OR medical exemption to opt out of any vaccine as a Connecticut school system requirement. Please contact Health Choice Connecticut for assistance with your exemption and for more information.

The city of New Haven will host numerous flu clinics over the next few days as a way to expedite the process.

According to wtnh, the reason for the law is based on flu statistics:

The reason behind the requirement is because every year here in the U.S., roughly 20,000 children under the age of 5 are hospitalized because of the flu.

For parents who don’t want to give a flu shot to their young child, it is doubtful their decisions will be supported by the local news. School systems are being used as the enforcement arms for the pro-vaccination agenda. While it is reasonable to want healthier kids, it isn’t reasonable to allow the government to have authoritarian powers over a parent’s medical choices.

This is a dangerous, slippery slope.


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4 Comments on "Connecticut Flu Shot Law To Ban No-Compliant Pre-Schoolers After Dec. 31"

  1. After learning about all the lies about vaccines, and that my daughter would need all these shots for school. My wife and I decided to home school. The government has no right to tell us how to raise our children.

  2. I’d like to know EXACTLY what’s in all those flu, H1N1 shots. I’d like a medical professional or a Natural doctor to tell us what’s in them so we can make the best choices. No one in my family has ever got one…

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