Downloadable vaccines pitched as future way for globalized inoculation agenda

download vaccines

The globalization of the vaccine movement is a well-defined concept. Vaccine supporters, such as Bill Gates and his Foundation, are seeking to inundate third world countries with inoculations. So it would stand to reason that the transport of vaccines is an essential component of such globalization. The faster, or slower, vaccines are transported, the more or less useful they are deemed to be by those who support them.

With mandatory vaccine laws flooding our world, one has to think that moving vaccines, particularly flu shots which seem to hinder on “strain based” effectiveness, will be of the utmost importance.

Well, as you might expect, vaccine mobility is getting more refined using technology.

Dan Gibson of Synthetic Genomics thinks he’s found the answer to moving vaccines at expedited rates of speed. He claims they can simply be downloaded or faxed, across the globe.

Gibson claims his idea will “drastically speed up the way in which flu vaccines are made and potentially save thousands of lives.” Gibson displayed his findings and ambition at TED 2018 in Vancouver. Gibson’s inspiration came from the bird flu mania of 2013, an issue that was mostly China mainland-based. Gibson claims he was able to download vaccine instructions and send them across the globe.

According to Fast Company:

So when Gibson got the email about the outbreak, he typed the DNA sequences of bird flu (which are publicly available) into the biological printer he and his team had created. The printer is loaded with oligos (short DNA molecules) along with enzymes that enable fragments of DNA to assemble into cohesive genetic structures (the process of joining fragments of DNA in this manner is called Gibson’s Assembly, after Gibson himself). In 12 hours, he had printed a usable chain of the flu’s DNA, which comes out of the machine on a compact tray. He shipped that chain to Novartis, which developed a vaccine from the chain of synthetic DNA and then administered it in China. “For the first time, we had a flu vaccine developed ahead of time for a new and potentially dangerous strain,” Gibson says.

I can’t see anything going wrong here. Eventually, robots will be injecting us with synthetic vaccines produced on the fly to fit our needs (whatever needs might be assigned to us by the elitist politicians and heads of corporate conglomerates).

One thing is for sure, the vaccine industry is completely out of control. Taking it to a digital application offers more nefarious potential than ever before.


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