Devastated Horse Owners Launch $53 Million Lawsuit Against Vaccine Maker

Horse owners in Australia are coming to terms with the loss or injuries of their horses. But those terms have resulted in a $53 million dollar lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant, Zoetis Australia. The horse owners claim that Zoetis’ Hendra Virus vaccine has caused severe injuries and deaths in the horse community.

The lawsuit claims that Zoetis failed to complete proper trials and rushed to release Equivac HeV. The vaccine was fully approved back in 2015. The horse owners also claim that vets promoting the vaccine were done without proper permits.

Australian riding instructor, Sarah Venamore, watched her horse, Bubbles, pass away after receiving the Equivac HeV vaccine. Venamore also claims she isn’t a “anti-vaxxer,” something she’s now being labeled by a country ripe with vaccine extremism.

“It took her a week to die. She was groaning and in pain, so she was put down,” she told The Sunday Telegraph.

Another horse owner, Natalie Schultz, described the sad and scary details of her horse, Claude, dying on the ground after the vaccine.

“He was lying flat on the ground covered in sweat and didn’t get up when I walked over,” she said. “I called the vet who said he had never seen anything like it.”

Lawyer Michael Hyland, who is representing the horse owners, gave the following statement.

“We believe Zoetis has a case to answer as it relates to failing to properly trial and test the product, breaches of their minor use permit and failing to exercise pharmacovigilance, leading to breaches of Australian consumer law and other legislation governing the sale of animal medicines.”

Hendra is a virus spread by bats in the region and can be deadly. It is only known to exist in Australia. 100 horses and four humans have died over the past 25 years due to the Hendra virus infection.

Hendra required that the horses take booster vaccines six months following the original shot. Many Australian vets refused to treat any horses that had not been vaccinated with Equivac HeV, forcing a lot of horse owners to comply.

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2 Comments on "Devastated Horse Owners Launch $53 Million Lawsuit Against Vaccine Maker"

  1. To All Concerned

    As you are fully aware pets are victims of the vaccine money making scheme with many cases of cancer developing at injection site and other adverse reactions. See the over 180 comments made from those who signed this petition linked below by some of the 2054 people who signed the petition so far. Many testimonials of pets developing cancer and other adverse reactions after vaccination.

    Over the last 4 weeks since I posted this petition Facebook has blocked me 3 times for a week at a time for sharing the petition on several anti vax groups that I am a member of and then earlier this week disabled my FB account and has yet to open my account despite my having verified my account 3 times as FB required. With my account disabled all the petition links I shared are no longer visible to anyone. The number of signatures without sharing petition on FB dwindles down from 50 to 100 per day to 0 to 2 per day. Why does FB block my sharing this petition when I have been accepted by these vax groups when the group admin / moderators can block any comments they see fit ? Do pro vaxxers visit these groups and report my posts and or are FB algorithms programed to block me from sharing the petition after a set number of shares ? Whatever are the reasons the petition is being blocked and our right to share information such as this petition that exposes the dangers of vaccines is being suppressed and my PSA about the dangers of ionization smoke alarms that are in most homes is also being kept from the public now that my FB page had been disabled.

    Mark Zuckerberg who is a big fan of Bill Gates made a public announcement on his Facebook page last year that he had his children vaccinated at the height of the Vaxxed movement that prompted dozens of anti vaccine groups FB pages. Perhaps Facebook is able to program algorithms to limit information shared on these groups such as this petition that does not fit in with Mark Zuckerberg’S views is definately possible and without a doubt whatever the reason for the blocks and my FB page being disabled has kept this petition from gaining momentum.

    Please sign and share this petition on your FB and other social media pages and send to your email newsletter subscribers. We can’t afford to let the Mark Zuckerbergs and Bill Gates of the world silence our voices. I am considering filing a lawsuit against Facebook should they continue to keep my FB page disabled which they claim is due to violating facebook terms, yet have not explained which terms and how these terms were violated. I was never informed nor have I read anywhere within FB terms that there is a limit as to how many times I could post a petition on group pages I belong to.

    Protect Pets from Cancerous Vaccinations Demand Titer …
    According to several certified Veterinarians such as Dr. Schultz and others that have studied pet vaccinations there is a high rate of cancer that develops at injection site in dogs and cats.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Fox

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