Girl’s Attempt To Miss School Over Chickenpox Failed

A 6-year-old girl used the media’s onslaught of measles and chickenpox coverage to her advantage by faking illness. Only, her big plan backfired when the marker she used to draw chickenpox on her skin turned out to be permanent. Lily Schooley was attempting to skip a spelling test that she’d been stressed over taking.

Using a marker, she drew chickenpox on her skin and then complained of an “itchy rash,” to her parents. When her mom attempted to take her to the doctor, Lily retreated back upstairs, fearing her cover was likely to be blown.

Aside from using a permanent marker, another flaw in Lily’s plan was the fact that she’d already had chickenpox previously; hence, she is naturally immune.

“She was deadly serious about it until we said ‘Oh gosh, it’s come on so quickly in 10 minutes. We’re going to have to see the doctor,” she told the “She quickly disappeared and we went upstairs to find her trying to rub them off with a flannel.”

The marker has been a tough task to remove from Lily’s skin. Lily requested to miss school due to her mishap, however, she was made to attend.

“She said ‘I can’t go to school mummy because everyone will laugh,’” Charlotte Schooley told the news outlet.

“The house is always full of laughter with Lily,” Charlotte said. “She is very witty.”

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