Horrendous Harm Has Been Done

Nearly a year ago, horrendous reports surfaced regarding the harm done to pregnant women and their newborn babies from the COVID jabs. The CDC’s own vaccine injury reporting system, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), showed an incredible 4,070 percent increase in miscarriages and stillbirths. However, as we near the end of 2023, the CDC, FDA and other federal government agencies are still pushing these pseudo vaccines and calling them ‘safe and effective’.

How can this be?

These products should have been immediately pulled from day one, yet the last year has been a drip, drip, drip of information. Pfizer said a while back that the shots may cause an increase in blood clots. Drip. In testimony to the European Union, Pfizer’s International Developed Markets president Janine Small admitted that the product had never been through pre-market testing on whether it prevented disease transmission. Drip.

Amid the reports of sudden death and myocarditis, the spike in miscarriages and stillbirths stands out because it is so high. The last big spike was seen in 2008 in relation to the HPV vaccine. That number was around 160 cases. By comparison, in 2021, the COVID jab-related cases were 3,379. It’s truly alarming, especially when many experts estimate that only around 10 percent of injuries are ever reported in VAERS.

In June 2022, the FDA made the horrifying announcement that they had authorized both the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months of age. No sooner was the ink dry on that decision that Moderna announced testing on 3-month old babies. We wrote about the study in The Tenpenny Report.

In her Eye on the Evidence substack, Dr. Tenpenny wrote about the abysmal evaluation of the shots prior to this blanket approval. Read it here. In short, the shots barely afford protection. In infants 6 to 23 months of age, the shots were found to be 50.6% effective in preventing Covid 19. The jabs were even less effective, at 36.8%, in children 2 to 5 years of age.

In the latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Vital Statistics System, it has been disclosed that the United States witnessed an estimated 20,538 infant fatalities in the year 2022. This figure represents a distressing increase of 3% from the previous year, which recorded 19,928 deaths.

Given the data over the last 1.5 years, it is no surprise that the US is witnessing its largest increase in the infant mortality rate in 20 years. The National Center for Health Statistics report entitled “Infant Mortality in United States: Provisional Data from the 2022 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death File” provides a data breakdown.

Over the last 20 years since 2002, the infant mortality rate had steadily declined by 22%, but in 2022, the infant mortality rated experienced a sharp 3% increase from the previous year, at 20.538 deaths. Both neonatal and post neonatal deaths rose, as did deaths of babies born to White women, Interestingly, the deaths of infants born to American Indians and Alaskan natives were the highest.

It’s clear that a probable cause for the spike in data is attributable to the COVID jabs, yet doctors seem dumbfounded, citing an elusive cause to this newly reported phenomenon.

Vaccines Past and Present

Have vaccines always caused infant death? Steve Kirsch thinks so. He interviewed a former police detective who handled over 250 SIDS cases in a major US city. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome usually occurs in babies between 2 and 4 months of age, but can also happen between 1 month and 1 year old.

The detective’s data shows that half of the SIDS cases happened within 48 hours after a vaccine was administered. Seven in ten  SIDS cases happened within a week of the infant being given a vaccine. Does this mean that the childhood vaccines are the leading cause of SIDS deaths? There is no other explanation.

A Midwestern Doctor notes that the relationship between SIDS and vaccines has been known for decades. Both doctors and parents speak out about it, but just as we all experienced during COVID, inconvenient truths are censored. The SIDS-vaccine relationship is not accepted by the myopic medical community, which translates into the general public’s lack of knowledge on the topic.

The good doctor notes that a century of evidence shows how and why vaccines cause SIDS, and cites that the DTP vaccine is a particular culprit.

Despite the appalling data from decades and decades of evidence, new infant vaccines are being developed at a rapid pace. For example, this summer, RSV vaccines were approved for infants as well as for pregnant women. Dr. Tenpenny has it right – RSV represents the next billion vaccine deal. Is it safe and effective? Who knows? And does it really matter at this point to the vaccine manufacturers? She wrote in detail about RSV for adults and children in her Substack.

As Dr. Tenpenny notes, before the summer of 2023, previous efforts to develop an RSV vaccine for children were unsuccessful. In fact, the first RSV vaccine, developed in the 1960s, actually caused a severe reaction in the lungs when children were exposed to RSV, most likely a process akin to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which Dr. Tenpenny wrote about very early on in the COVID debacle, in her book 40 Mechanisms of Injury.

AstraZeneca was able to develop a monoclonal antibody product and thereby get it fast tracked for release to jab babies, despite a lack of safety data. The product had no effect on hospitalization rates, yet that is the primary reason for giving a baby the shot. And the manufacturers recommend babies born during RSV season get the shot at birth. Incredibly, the shot is not even intended for the children most at risk for serious RSV illness, namely babies born before 37 and 28 weeks gestation. It’s unbelievable.

Igor Chudov agrees. He writes in his Substack about the other two RSV vaccines that emerged this summer – one from GSK and the other from Pfizer. He agrees with Dr. Tenpenny that RSV vaccine development has been clouded by six decades of failure. Chudov explains that both vaccines cause increased premature births, a safety signal that CDC and FDA should pay attention to. GSK pulled their vaccine from the market, but the nearly identical Pfizer RSV jab passed with flying colors. Meryl Nass explains that Fauci’s NIAID agency developed the stabilized antigen and gave it to both companies, explaining why they are so eerily similar.

Are any of us at all surprised that new vaccines are being developed for our most vulnerable population, our infants? We shouldn’t be. Big pharma is salivating over the money to be made, and encouraged by the COVID precedent set to sell unsafe vaccines targeting pregnant women and babies. CDC is all too happy to serve as big pharma’s advertising arm, in ads like the one below.

Chudov sums it up nicely. By these numbers, Pfizer would theoretically kill 4,000 babies to save 300 babies from RSV. As he says, welcome to the new woke math.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work. 

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