Italy Dumps Mandatory Vaccination In Historic Vote

italy mandatory vaccines

League leader Matteo Salvini called required vaccines “useless” and said they were “in many cases dangerous, if not harmful”.

Now, they won’t be required.

By a vote of 148 to 110 in the upper house of parliament, Italy has squashed mandatory vaccine laws and aims to be “more inclusive.”

The 10 required vaccinations preschools or nurseries are now suspended, at least in terms of mandatory laws.

The Democratic party passed the original mandatory vaccine law in June of 2017, but now, a year later and in the midst of a revolution in Italy, parents will no longer have to comply. The Democrats originally used a measles outbreak as the fuel for the law’s passage.

The Five Star Movement and the League, both political parties that are often considered to have grown on the heels of Trump’s rise, said they were concerned about children being excluded in communities.

Roberto Burioni, a microbiologist, voiced his displeasure on CNN. CNN’s article says that the decision has “sent shockwaves through the scientific community” and one of their headings read, “why it’s dangerous.” Point being, the mainstream media is not handling this well, at all.

CNN wasn’t the only mainstream outlet or pro-mandatory-vaccine advocate melting down, not by a long shot.

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