“It’s an injustice what they’re doing to healthcare workers with no sound evidence behind it,” Krinksy said to wcpo. “And I think you have to speak out, stand your ground and make other nurses feel they can as well.”
A nurse who was fired from Christ Hospital Health Network is now getting mainstream exposure. Michelle Krinsky is battling the powers that be and a local NBC affiliate is giving her substantial air time. Are the winds of change now in the air for healthcare workers all over Ohio? That’s possible. More and more people are being exposed to the reality of forced medical mandates on our hardworking nurses.
As long as big pharma owns the politicians this tyranny will never end. It’s time to remove these politicians from office.
I’m in Australia and congratulate this lady. We’ve got compulsory vaccinations and I believe we must stand firm and be counted and not back down. I wish you all well and trust in God we will soon see sanity.