Measles Vaccine Suspected Of ‘Horrific Rashes, Illnesses’

Hundreds of kids were placed in hospitals to receive an MR, or measles and rubella dual vaccine, on behalf of an effort by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The Lesotho Ministry of health gave the children the vaccine injections.

However, many parents are now complaining to the Ministry that the shots resulted in horrific skin rashes, fever and muscle pain. And the Ministry has created a deepening backlash by marginalizing the parent’s complaints as fruitless and “without proof.” The proof is allegedly parents taking to social media and posting the images of their children following the vaccines. Like many MMR vaccine side effects cases here in the states, the proof is “not enough.”

‘We don’t have proof that the pictures posted on social media are truly for children who got such side effects from the vaccination,” Dr. Monyamane said.

He added: “Do not bring us pictures, bring those children here we have a specialist here. Parents should bring documented evidence from health professionals that prove that the children`s illness is a result of the vaccine. Take your children to the health facilities; I do not know what is ailing the children. Let’s all investigate what is causing this outbreak. We can’t attribute every illness in the country to the vaccine.” (source)

Here is one mother’s story according to that same source.

mmr vaccine side effects

A powerful photo alleges vaccine side effects.

“My son has been sick almost three weeks now,” she said. “Normally, he is a very playful and cheerful child. Since the afternoon of the vaccination, he is always tired. He seldom plays and he is always coughing. He has a running nose and has a terrible rash on his thighs.  He also has a very high fever and spots on his head, stomach, and legs.

“I rushed him to a local hospital immediately when all these signs and symptoms began. The doctors gave him paracetamol and allergex but both do not help. I feel helpless and don’t know what else to do,” the mother added.

MMR Vaccine Side Effects | What The Vaccine Maker States

Fevers and mild rashes are listed by the MMR vaccine maker as “possible side effects.” But they note them as “extremely rare.” The Ministry of Health is most certainly attempting to label these parents as attributing symptoms to the wrong cause. In this case, that incorrect cause would be vaccines, if you believe them. And clearly, this has not sat well with parents.

In Namibia 21 babies reportedly died from MR vaccination. Consequently, six parents sued Namibia’s ministry of health.

In Lesotho too, scores of parents are calling out on radio stations seeking ways in which they can take legal action.

Parents have few rights when it comes to taking on a vaccine maker directly. Vaccine manufacturers are protected by the United States governments from being directly sued by parents of vaccine injured children. This complicates ever having a pharmaceutical company stand accountable for mishaps. It also makes a vaccine safety agenda nearly impossible.

Although, President Donald Trump established a Vaccine Safety Committee, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Only time will tell if this promise on behalf of the President will ever come to fruition.


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