New York Students To Be Forced Meningitis Vaccines In 2016

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Photo by MTAPhotos

It is getting more and more difficult for parents to make health decisions for their own children, particularly in the state of New York. Because now, parents can add the meningitis vaccine as one of the required New York state vaccines for school children. Starting next year, students who begin the 7th grade will be forced to take the vaccine, or sent home. The vaccine is a booster which the CDC claims protects against meningitis and other “diseases.” The law was signed on Monday by Governor Andrew Cuomo and was approved even in the face of a fierce fight by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

According to

“This new law sends a clear message — we are not willing to lose one more person to a vaccine preventable illness,” said Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, a Sullivan County Democrat who sponsored the measure. “Meningococcal Meningitis is deadly, and it moves quickly. Making the vaccination mandatory is not only good policy, it’s good medicine.”

The bill was, of course, supported heavily by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Most proponents of the bill painted a picture of those opposing the bill being anti-toxin, thimerosal (due to links of disorders). This is of course, true, but I am often saddened by how the protection of parental rights is so often overlooked. The media realizes it is easier to sway the public by turning the matter into a “conspiracy theory,” rather than giving any legs to this being a matter of constitutional rights. This isn’t me denying the thimerosal issue, of course not. But the modern pitch convenience from the state of New York is undeniable. The media misses all the just reasons these mandatory vaccine bills should not be put into play. Vaccines harm our health. Forced vaccines harm our rights.
Photo by MTAPhotos

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