We have all watched, in absolute horror, the floods in Spain’s Valencia region during this last week. So far, over 215 bodies have been recovered. Many more are missing, and over 5,000 soldiers have arrived to the region to help with the recovery efforts. At the writing of this article, more rain is forecast for these areas over the next coming days. What happened?
In a matter of minutes, heavy downpours in this region in eastern Spain caused flash floods that literally swept everything away, including people who had no time to even react, and were trapped in cars, homes and businesses.
The storms were concentrated over two river basins, and the result was a literal wall of water that caught people unaware as they lived their daily lives. The storm hit Tuesday evening, and by early Wednesday, the devastation was complete. The water and mud covered roads and railways and entered houses and businesses. People had to jump out of their cars and climb onto roofs, and residents of homes had to rapidly seek higher ground.
What happened?
The Valencia region of Spain received more rain in eight hours than it had in the previous 20 months. Why? The cabal scientists tell us it is our fault, you know, because of climate change. Human-caused climate change. They blab on about the warmer air causing more rain dumps, and the jet stream changes that spawn extreme weather because we ruffians are grilling too much chicken which releases too many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The scientists sound convincing, talking about lower pressure storm systems and the unusually warm ocean temperatures.
Keep in mind that Spain suffered its worst droughts in 2022 and 2023, then the deluge of water in 2024. But the experts have an explanation for that as well: climate-induced drought and flood cycles.
It’s all poppycock. These so-called scientists fail to mention the elephant in the room, which is that our weather has been modified since 1947 when the first military experiments were done to manipulate the atmosphere.
Fast forward to today, and we are facing global geoengineering on a massive scale. There are HAARP stations throughout the world (not just in Alaska), and we no longer know what is real and what is fabricated. What is natural weather? What is manufactured climate havoc? It’s hard to tell these days, but recent storms like Helene and Milton, and recent floods in Roswell, New Mexico and Saudi Arabia are not normal. Not normal at all.
It’s not just going on in Spain. It happens all over Europe, and in fact, all over the world.
Almost at the same time as Spain, massive flooding occurred in Roswell, New Mexico, with nearly the same playbook of torrential rain and flash floods. Yes, it could be a coincidence, but at the same time, the Blue Front Fire near Roswell is also burning. The South Fork Fire scorched the area this summer, and last summer in 2023, the same area was dealing with the Lincoln National Forest Fire. The https://www.ruidoso-nm.gov/news-info/2023/8/4/new-fire-start-on-the-lincoln-national-forest-smokey-bear-ranger-district
This summer, Saudi Arabia’s Makkah City (Mecca) was similarly hit with torrential rains unseen for many years in the area. People, camels and cattle were swept away in flash floods; there is massive property damage and even more extensive loss of life.
Here’s another story: In a particular flooded area, the powers-that-be did not warn the people. They only issued warnings for major rivers, but not for smaller tributaries. Politicians did nothing, nor did government agencies designed to deal with these disasters. Meanwhile, local farmers immediately mobilized for rescue efforts, often paying out of their own pockets. Fire departments came from surrounding areas, but were not allowed to help per edicts issued by the government. In fact, many parties were ordered to stand down. Police turned people away from shelter areas. Dead bodies were seen hanging from trees after the waters receded. Those who survived spent days without running water and sanitation.
You may think the above passage describes North Carolina or Roswell, but it’s actually a story from 2021 when the German region of Ahrweiler experienced massive textbook flooding, just like the other areas in this article. In a BBC piece literally titled, Germany Floods: How A Country Was Taken By Surprise, climate change was the culprit there, too. Oh and did I mention that this area of Germany is one of the premier timberlands and wine growing regions of the world? Elites gotta have their go juice, after all, to go with all the beef they’re eating while the crickets are reserved for us to eat.
What is the end game?
Yes, we are in a weather war. If you’ve doubted that, you won’t after reading GreenMedInfo’s excellent article, “Are We In A Covert Weather War? The Thin Line Between Science and Conspiracy.
People around the world are catching on to the glaringly obvious fact that our elite self-appointed overlords want everything for themselves – deplorable garbage be damned. Whether it is Maui’s priceless Lahaina real estate or North Carolina’s rich semiconductor resources, they want what is rightfully ours. And this article just covers floods – there are fires, tornados and so many other “natural” disasters occurring.
What are the elites after in Spain? Is it the Albufera Nature Reserve, an ancient marine gulf that is one of the most important wetlands in Spain and the world? Is it the region’s La Huerta extensive arable land for growing citrus and other crops? The region has been known for its farming for thousands of years. The Moors built an ingenious network of irrigation infrastructure, and the Romans also built infrastructure there long before the Moors. In fact, a 2,000-year-old dam built by Augustus helped prevent destruction and loss of life. It is the tallest surviving Roman dam in the world, and it did its job for Valencia.
Do the elites want Valencia as a 15-minute city? After all, an article earlier this year showed that Valencia is considered the green capitol in Europe, according to the European Commission. They likely don’t want to share that green gem with the unwashed masses.
Do we get it now?
These land grabs have been going on for quite some time – actually throughout history. Most wars are fought over land. Whether it is the United States pushing Native Americans out of their lands, British imperialism, or Israel trying to inhabit Gaza, it has always been about land. It is important to remember that.
And this is a war, albeit a different kind of war – one that is covert, one that uses secret technology, and one that uses mind control as a major tactic of war. GreenMedInfo points out how quickly the governments of the world, as well as the mainstream media, dismiss weather manipulation as a conspiracy theory, despite the intensities and unexpected direction changes these storms have taken.
Where else did we see quick dismissal of facts? Oh yes, during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s the same playbook. Discuss doing your part to not kill grandma, but don’t discuss the major adverse events and millions of worldwide deaths associated with the COVID-19 bioweapon. Discuss the carbon emissions, but don’t discuss the covert geoengineering operations that have been in play for decades.
We get it now.
And we also get that governments around the world are not going to help.
Spaniards know the elite are not on their side. When Spain’s King Philip VI visited the hard-hit town of Paiport, villagers threw mud and shouted “Murderers” at the royal entourage. Spain’s national weather service was too late to the game; by the time warnings were sent, people were already deeply in trouble.

King Phillip VI gets mud thrown at him during a Valencia Spain visit
We’ve all heard about the literal absence of FEMA in North Carolina, too. And the story of Germany. And the fires and floods of the area near Roswell. And the unprecedented weather in Saudi Arabia.
Isn’t it amazing how similar these events are? I’m sure it’s just natural weather though.
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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.