Pharma Synthesized Marijuana Kills People

Photo by brownpau

According to an article on Ouest France, recent testing by pharmaceutical testing company Biotrial left six people for dead. It wasn’t long after the event that the media began feeding the herd propaganda that “marijuana kills.” The only trouble with this is that it wasn’t marijuana that killed, rather, a synthetic version created in pharma’s labs/

This is a rather important point to digest. For Pharmaceutical companies who have huge stakes in painkillers and antianxiety medication lines, they are driven to stop the legalization of marijuana movement. But seeing that movement seems a bit unstoppable at this juncture, their best bet is to “patent” concoctions of it. Essentially, they recreate a plant. And in doing so, that plant happens to kill people. And soon enough, marijuana kills and we should make possession of marijuana a criminal act. Do you see how that works?

According to True Activist:

The effects of the synthetic chemical compounds on the endocannabinoid system were, indeed, a dangerous factor.
The pill acted on the body’s endocannabinoid system. Taken orally, the drug was undergoing a Phase 1 clinical trial at a licensed private European laboratory that specializes in clinical trials, the French health ministry said.

Attempting to recreate the natural analgesic effects of cannabis, this pharmaceutical company unwittingly killed someone and gravely injured several others.

Pharma’s plan to smear marijuana across the United States is alive and well. And sadly, it will costs us lives around the world, as has already been shown.


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