Pharma Working On Breast Cancer Diagnosis Pill That’s Full Of Dye

breast cancer pill

Researchers from the University of Michigan claim they’ve found the solution to mamogram failures and inaccuracies.


Chemical and Biomedical engineer, Greg Thurber, says these pills would give a more “specific signal” of looming breast cancer.

“The idea behind this is we can detect individual molecules on tumors to give us a much more specific signal to tell us whether a tumor is cancerous, and needs to be removed, or benign,” he said, via Michigan Radio.

The advent of new breast cancer diagnostic tools is likely a direct result of heavy criticisms being levied against popular mammograms. Mammogram failure rates reside at about 1 in 5 missed breast cancer occurrences. The pill would serve as an alternative to the use of the mammogram.

This pill has undergone no safety tests. Being that the pill is full of dye, one might assume that some level of toxicity would exist.

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