Plague of Corruption – Book Review

This book is about what happens to scientists with integrity who are motivated to do the right thing.

Review by Maria Ryan

Author(s): Kent Heckenlively, JD and Judy Mikovits, PhD

Publication Date: March 3, 2020

Plague of Corruption is the latest book by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively. It’s an adjunct to their first book, Plague. It tells the story of Dr. Mikovits’ discovery of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus (XMRV) and its presence in the condition of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Chronic Fatigue appeared in the 1980’s and was termed the “yuppie flu”. It has been repeatedly downplayed in the medical literature since that time. XMRV has been implicated in 67% of those diagnosed with ME/CFS. XMRC can also be passed down from mother to child resulting in a significant number of ME/CFS mothers with an autistic child. These findings align with reports of autistic regression after vaccination. Additional studies linked XMRV to Alzheimer’s, auto-immune diseases, leukemia epidemics, and prostate cancer.

XMRV has also been found in donor blood supply and other human blood-derived products. According to Mikovits’ research, approximately 3-8% of the population has been exposed to the virus resulting in more than ten million Americans. The threat is far greater than the HIV-AIDS epidemic and most people are completely unaware.

In 2009, Mikovits and Frank Ruscetti discovered this previously unknown retrovirus and published their findings in the journal Science. The backlash against them for telling the truth was swift and brutal. Dr. Mikovits was arrested and held without a warrant. She spent five days in jail without bail. Her home was searched and she was falsely accused of illegally removing her research notebooks from the lab where she worked. Dr. Mikovits reused to admit she was wrong and no prosecutor has ever filed charges against her. Mikovits’ career was destroyed and to date, she hasn’t had her day in court.

Dirty Science and the Politics of Greed

This book is also about how far science has fallen from grace and what happens to scientists with integrity who are motivated to do the right thing. As a result, we are living in a time of growing mistrust in the scientific process due to gross negligence, willful ignorance, and outright evil perpetuated by scientists, government, and corporate industries.

Dirty science is an integral piece of the problem with vaccine manufacturing and it’s profoundly affecting every one of us today, whether we are aware or unaware.

The book covers a lot of related ground such as in Chapter 8 with the 2009 Autism Omnibus proceedings and the role of Dr. Andrew ZimmermanChapter 9 offers a history of HIV and Ebola and how vaccines, particularly the polio vaccine contributed to the spread of these diseases. The book does tend to jump around rather than follow a clear, linear format. However, the stories are recounted with a sharp wit and innate sense of humor. Chapter 10’s letter to the Australian Prime Minister written by Heckenlively had me spitting out my morning coffee. It was that humorous.

Mikovits very clearly calls out the players in the corruption, offering them up by name. It’s a practice I am a fan of, barring any legal issue. Why should evil-doers get to hide in the shadows? At the very least, a public service has been rendered. People will always need to look further deeper and ultimately make up their own minds but at least they will be better informed.

Dr. Mikovits’ Background

Dr. Mikovits is a researcher and scientist who started her career working for the National Cancer Institute alongside Frank Ruscetti, one of the founders of human retrovirology who is credited with co-discovering the first human retrovirus, human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-1).

In Plague of Corruption, we are taken through forty years of Dr. Mikovit’s research and given a bird’s eye view of the level of corruption and government collusion that she was subjected to along with the blatant danger to an unsuspecting public in the name of profit and greed. Dr. Mikovits was caught in the crosshairs of corporate interests and she paid a heavy price.

She explains how science has lost its way. Its main objective now is to protect profits and corporate interests at the expense of health whether physical, mental, or spiritual.

The XMRV Virus

Animal tissue is used as a medium culture to grow viruses for vaccines. The book explains how this practice ensures the insertion of animal retroviruses into the human genome thus altering DNA by way of an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. In the presence of this enzyme, a retrovirus has been activated and now can alter gene expression. This is the catalyst for many cancers and autoimmune diseases that have recently exploded in diagnosis.

Dr. Mikovits explains how the XMRV virus affects millions of unsuspecting people in the U.S. This virus is linked to ME/CFS. Many people are familiar with the term CFS but not so familiar with ME. Both syndromes are not diseases onto themselves but rather indicators that an active retrovirus is present.

One Size Fits All Vaccines

The problem is predicted to become worse as we continue to force mandate more and more vaccines among bigger populations of people with no prior screening whatsoever. The fastest route to becoming infected with an animal retrovirus is through a VACCINE. This is due to the animal tissue used in the development of biological products for humans. Vaccines are considered a biologic. No prior testing of any kind is offered before a vaccine is administered, nor is a verbal health history likely to be taken. Vaccines are strictly treated as one size fits all. Dr. Mikovits explains that this egregious mistake has caused legions of citizens around the world to suffer from diseases they never would have gotten if they hadn’t received a vaccine.

Repetitive immune-activation through repeated vaccination can cause multiple diseases, worsen the existing disease, and can cause death. The latency between the assault (when the vaccine was received) and the first symptoms (whether or not a diagnosis has been received) may take years, even decades. It can also take a shorter time such as days, weeks, or months. It can even be immediate. With more governmental overreach than ever in the way of forced vaccine mandates and many more vaccines in the developmental pipeline, one of the things we can expect is that latency times will shrink.

Treatments for XRMV

People should at least be aware of the denied treatments that could radically change the outcome of such widespread diseases caused by XMRV. Today, informed consent is becoming a much wider net due to the level of lies and corruption perpetrated by corporations and government. The average citizen needs to know far more than they do in order to safeguard their health and know what course of action to take if their health is egregiously breached. They also need to be aware of the ways in which these treatments are cited as dangerous by the mainstream and the rationale behind it.

Dr. Mikovits thankfully talks about the controversial treatments that we are ultimately being denied because they cannot be patented and drug companies cannot profit from them. Not only are people forced to become sick, they are not permitted to get well by being denied promising treatments, a few of which are mentioned below:

Deuterium-depleted water: Deuterium is cancer-causing and acts as a growth factor for retroviruses and other microbes. Deuterium-depleted water is used in some medical settings as an adjunct to chemotherapy.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet and his work with GC-MAF, a human protein produced by modifying Vitamin D binding protein that fills in a missing part of the immune system and assists the body in self-healing, showed promising results in thousands of his patients, mostly autistic. Bradstreet’s clinic was raided by the FDA in 2015 for using what they deemed “unethical science”. Shortly thereafter, Bradstreet’s body was found in a North Carolina river with a gunshot wound to his chest. His suspicious death remains a mystery to this day. Dr. Mikovits having known Dr. Bradstreet personally offers up her accounting of what she believes happened to Dr. Bradstreet.


Suramin is a promising drug that calms the cell danger response, a theory put forth by Dr. Robert Naviaux, a researcher from the University of California in San Diego. Suramin has been used as a safe treatment for African Sleeping Sickness for over a hundred years. Dr. Naviaux found it to be an effective treatment for all the core symptoms of autism.


THC, found in cannabis can also be helpful for those who suffer from chronic diseases though will not be curative. The endocannabinoid system contains receptors that modulate pain and inflammation in addition to regulating appetite, metabolism, and muscle control.

What are the real reasons Americans are being denied scientifically demonstrated safe and effective treatments?


Dr. Mikovits walks us through a spectacular true story of greed, cover-up, and denial. There is a concentrated and vicious suppression of science that has downplayed the risks of vaccines and increased people’s susceptibility to serious diseases. This is the reality of how “science” is practiced and what happens to non-conformist scientists like Dr. Mikovits when they refuse to play along. The authors list several other brilliant scientists and doctors who have had their careers destroyed because their integrity got in the way of greed. This reality needs to be called out and often. We have normalized disease and sickness to such a degree that we no longer can recall a past when these diseases weren’t part of the landscape. It’s an exercise in the danger of gradualism, like the frog being slowly boiled to death with no awareness as to what’s happening or what its fate will be.


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Maria Ryan is a freelance content writer. She has contributed to a number of online publications on fitness, nutrition, food, lifestyle, and parenting. She is an avid reader and book reviewer. Her work especially promotes indie authors, getting less-known information into the hands of many.  You can find her additional book reviews at her blog, 

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