The Supposed Saline Effect

During a recent Australian Senate hearing to examine the legalities of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Pfizer executives admitted their Oz-based staff were given a separate, private batch of the jab juice.

Pfizer Australia and New Zealand’s country medical director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and head of regulatory sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt said the reason was because they didn’t know if they had enough jabs to go around.


“Pfizer undertook to import our vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that were being delivered to clinics as needed.”

So while the Australian TGA tested all of the COVID-19 vaccines in the country, Pfizer employees received special non-quality control ‘vaccines.’

We could only speculate but it’s odd, isn’t it, that they would give their Australian employees a version of the vaccine that was not tested by the Australian regulatory body?

Does that mean they were given a saline solution? 

The Saline Special  

In this game of Russian roulette, you better believe there are blanks.

Think about it: They bypassed the animals. Guinea pigs are us.

In June 2020, a symposium was held to debate the pros and cons of bypassing lab animals in the face of an “emergency.”

While I can no longer find that particular article, I assure you this is NOT how it usually works. While it isn’t enshrined in law, researchers almost always check that a new concoction is effective in lab animals before putting human volunteers at potential risk.

The traditional vaccine timeline is typically 8 to 20 years. Testing the human population isn’t how vaccine testing normally happens. Regulators require that a manufacturer show a product is safe before it goes into people.

“Outbreaks and national emergencies often create pressure to suspend rights, standards, and/or normal rules of ethical conduct. Often our decision to do so seems unwise in retrospect,” wrote Jonathan Kimmelman, director of McGill University’s biomedical ethics unit, in an email to STAT News.

It doesn’t take a brain scientist to conclude we were test subjects in a live exercise, and therefore it’s warranted to wonder whether the vaccine safety study rolled out in the world came with a saline placebo control.

I shared my gut feeling with Dr. Judy Mikovits during an episode of Ricky Varandas Ripple Effect.

Dr. Judy, I think there is saline being given out as part of the batches because they need to stagger their deaths. What do you think?”

“Absolutely,” was her response. Next, I asked her what percentage she believed was saline. She suspected it was 50 percent.

While I do not know the percentage and cannot prove they definitely used saline, I’m far from  the only one to suspect this. Interestingly, around the initial rollout, there were several stories about saline– made from a mix of salt and water–being given out.

For instance, in February 2021, patients received saline shots instead of COVID-19 vaccine doses at Sauk Centre in Minnesota. It was the second known mixing mishap in MN, just the month prior, 62 people received incorrectly diluted doses at a Hy-Vee in Mankato.


In April 2021, it was reported that a North Carolina Walgreens mistakenly gave saline shots instead of Covid-19 vaccine to nearly two dozen customers. And multiple people who went to a clinic at a Virginia Kroger the month prior to receive COVID-19 vaccines were mistakenly given empty syringes.

In June 2021, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reported a “very limited” number of COVID-19 vaccines that reportedly contained only saline. That story is gone from the Internet.

An inquiry was pursued after a woman reported receiving a notice from a Summerville pharmacy days after she received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She was told to return to the pharmacy because the vaccine dose she received was “not activated.”

The Pfizer vaccine requires two parts: the vaccine material and a diluent, “like saline.” The two components are to be mixed prior to administration.

No adverse effects are to be expected from a saline-only vaccine, however, it’s not known for sure what other types of diluents are used. Please consider that they added solution 199, phenol red, and formaldehyde to the “placebo” and injected it into children. How many injury data comparisons were there between the toxic polio vaccine and their fake toxic placebo?

A month later on July 6, 2021, the Canadian Press reported that six people were injected with saline instead of the COVID-19 vaccine at an Ontario clinic. How did that happen and why? Over 200 people were contacted to repeat their COVID-19 vaccination “after an appropriate dosing interval.”  The majority got their third COVID-19 vaccine dose.

They said that an additional vial of saline had been used. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is apparently mixed with a bit of saline by someone who properly loads the syringes and while not harmful, it “doesn’t protect against COVID-19.”

Ironic, given the Covid 19 shots  don’t protect you either.

As a result of this faux pas, new tracking and training protocols have been introduced to avoid similar situations. You know what they say, don’t let a crisis go to waste – any chance to enhance surveillance will be grabbed. They plan to implement more detailed documentation in clinics and track each dose from the freezer to the patient who received it.

Finally, in August 2021, there was a Red Cross nurse in northern Germany that robbed people of their life-saving vaccine by injecting them with a salt solution. The incident sparked a police investigation given that she put “elderly people at high risk of catching the potentially fatal viral disease.”

The motive of the nurse, who was not named, was not clear but she had aired skeptical views about vaccines in social media posts, police investigators said. It was not immediately clear whether the suspect had been arrested or charged in the case.

All these situations were treated as “accidents.”

Bad Batches & Placebos 

In June 2023, a Danish study in Scientists uncovered startling evidence that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may, in fact, have consisted of placebos – and that the German regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing.

Two German professors, Gerald Dyker and Jörg Matysik, concluded from a Danish study that  30% of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccines in Europe may have contained saline.

The professors believe that the different batches of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine administered across Europe can be divided into three groups for those vaccinated in Denmark:

  1. “The good batches, which were still bad”; administered to ~60% of the population, 1 suspected adverse event per 400 doses;
  2. ”The bad batches, which were very bad”; received <5% of the population, 1 reported adverse event per 10 doses, in some cases 1 adverse event per 6 doses;
  3. ”The very good batches”; administered to ~30% of Danes, virtually no side effects, thus probably due to the fact that it was pure saline.

It is the German regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is basically responsible for the quality control of all Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines in the EU. This is because the legal manufacturer of the vaccine, as well as the holder of the marketing authorization in the EU, is the German company BioNTech, not its more well-known US partner Pfizer.

It appears that the good was bad, the bad was very bad, and the very good was the saline solution, to paraphrase the findings of the German scientists regarding the variability of the Pfizer-BioNTech batches.

The Advocate Method 

“(VAERS) revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified,” reported The Expose.

“Of course, they did not want to kill everyone who got the shots all at the same time.  Make the deaths look random and “rare” at first.  They’ll find a way around this finding.  They’ll change to different lots for more “rare” deaths and side effects,” someone on Twitter wrote.

Maybe all of us who have come to this conclusion about saline are conspiracy theorists. But sarcasm aside, enough folks like Dr. Jessica Rose and WelcomeTheEagle88 have written about bad batches

Aside from the experiment aspect, it gives a good cover of adverse reactions by spreading them out with saline (or something similar). It’s a pretty genius when you think about it.,” writes Agent355 on X.

It really is. 

In September 2021, Stew Peters interviewed British funeral director John O’Looney, who talked about “The Advocate Method.”  Looney explained how some batches were designed to maim and kill while others were saline. Basically, it’s a lottery and if someone gets a saline shot they can nail them later with regular boosters, he explained.

So basically if someone does get saline, they can say “See I am fine” and ostensibly gaslight their proverbial brothers and sisters, defending Big Pharma and becoming a vaccine salesperson.


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Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Twitter @maryamhenein. Email her:

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