Trump Is Not The Only President With A Convened Grand Jury

While the world focused on Trump’s indictment the week of April 3, there was a lot more going on that we needed to know about. Of course, if the mainstream media doesn’t want us to know about it, we won’t know about it. It’s a huge distraction game. Look over here, not over there.

What did we miss?

Well, as it turns out, Trump is not the only president dealing with a convened grand jury. A Florida grand jury has been investigating the Biden administration’s open borders policy. News flash: J6 was not the true insurrection in our country – this is.  In fact Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick recently told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures that 7 million people have illegally come across the border. Patrick also said that this number represents Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) only catching half of all border infiltrators, so the real number of people flooding the country illegally may be as high as 14 million.

The Florida grand jury also apparently views the border as an insurrection. On Thursday April 6, they released some of their investigation findings, and they didn’t mince words: The Biden administration’s “management of unaccompanied children’s release and transport has resulted in facilitating the forced migration, sale, and abuse of foreign children. This process exposes children to horrifying health conditions, constant criminal threat, labor and sex trafficking, robbery, rape and other experiences not done justice by mere words.” Boom.

The grand jury concluded its preliminary report by saying that the federal government is “knowingly aiding and abetting trafficking organizations” and “allowing horrific harm to happen to these children.” The jury has had a particular focus on the 250,000+ unaccompanied minors who have been released into the United States and transported – by the Biden Administration– to states like Florida.

In June 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis learned that Biden was scheduling flights of unaccompanied minors into his state. In 2021, over 70 planes arrived in Florida in the middle of the night. No Floridian authority was given information on the flights or on the backgrounds and criminal history of the people being dropped into the state. This unprecedented move by Biden prompted DeSantis to request that the state’s Supreme Court convene a statewide grand jury to investigate. Request granted. Boom.

The jury is still convened to this day, and while the majority of information remains confidential because they are still in session, they did release this preliminary report, which is very telling. The jury investigated agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) which has an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

Did you know we had the ORR office? I didn’t. Here’s what they do. According to their own website, they provide cash by way of bank debit cards (limited) and medical assistance, including mental health services, to new arrivals. They also provide English as a Foreign Language classes, employment services and job readiness, all in an effort to “facilitate refugees’ successful transition to life in the US and help them to attain self-sufficiency.” Did I mention that they are provided pre-paid cell phones?  They do!

WOW! We don’t even do that for our own US citizens! (I mean, have you been to San Francisco lately?) Even better, the ORR provides additional services after the person has been here over a year. They help them build a business (fancily called microenterprise development), develop agricultural partnerships (remember when Pelosi asked who would work the fields?) and community self-help (which seems very, very broad). But, ORR says, these extended programs only apply to eligible populations which include all refugees, asylum seekers, all people from Cuba and Haiti, and all Amerasians. It’s unreal.

Naturally, the ORR says it always acts in the best interest of the child, placing that child in the least restrictive setting, but that’s not really true, is it? Here’s a case where it certainly isn’t true. The ORR actually placed eight children with a human trafficking ring who applied as sponsors, claiming to be family friends. Once they had the kids, they forced them to work on a farm 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and surrender paychecks or meet physical harm or death. This is NOT in the best interest of the child, as ORR claims.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody oversees the grand jury. She is outraged at the Biden administration’s handling of the crisis and has called on the US Congress to not only investigate, but to take immediate action. She described it as a “nightmare through policy and neglect.” She’s right.

On a personal note, I do live in Texas, and I know first responders at the border who have treated five-year-olds (both male and female) for sexually transmitted diseases they have gotten by being raped. The word “nightmare” doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it. And the abuse happens even after they cross the border.

Part of the aiding and abetting is being done by nonprofit organizations that are receiving taxpayer money. Sponsors show up for these minors, claiming to belong to these nonprofit groups, or claiming to be family members, but no background checks are required. Some sponsors are freely given children despite having served time in prison for crimes against children. Minors are being sold for sex by these so-called relatives. Teenage girls are being placed in homes with male-only sponsors, and finding themselves sharing a bedroom with that man. Sponsors are listing their addresses, which are strip clubs or empty lots. Breitbart has the full report on this and it will leave you dumbfounded and boiling with rage. The federal government has also “lost track” of over 20,000 children.

The grand jury has also concluded that the Biden administration is knowingly bringing children and teenagers into the country and farming them out to US-based employers and traffickers. This sentence says it all: the federal government “is facilitating the forced migration, sale, and abuse of foreign children.” Even the mainstream media outlets like the Miami Herald find this to be “stunning.” Make no mistake; this is not bad management or ineptitude by the Biden administration. They are COMPLICIT. It is absolutely stunning that the purported leader of the free world, and our president, Joseph R. Biden, is orchestrating an intricate network of federal agencies, government-funded nonprofit agencies, and labor trafficking cartels to sell children. But he is. He IS. He’s not helping migrants. He is drawing them into the dark underbelly of forced labor and sexual abuse. Stunning doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Here is the full report, for those who can stomach it.


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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.

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