UK Teens Being Recruited For Massive Vaccine Experiments

teen meningitis experiment

The vaccine industry needs guinea pigs and it seems they will go to any lengths to get willing human participants. In this case, a vaccine group is recruiting British teens to take part in a meningitis B vaccine experiment.

Oxford Vaccine Group’s Be On The Team trial needs 24,000 teens to sign away their medical rights and take part in the experiment. The NHS, the public health administration in Great Britain, is helping to ‘urge’ teens to join the experiments and trials.

The vaccine might potentially reject the bacteria on the back of the throat linked to causing meningitis B. The vaccine trials will happen over the course of four years.

The lucky teens will be divided up into separate groups. They will be given two doses of the vaccine. Two groups will be in the study for a year while a lone group will be involved for 1.5 years. The vaccine experiments will accommodate college exams.

Dr Matthew Snape, a consultant pediatrician at the Oxford Vaccine Group, told the BBC: “We’ve had great enthusiasm from the schools we have approached, with the majority of Year 12 students interested in taking part.

“The peak of carriage for the bacteria is from the teenage years through to young adulthood – there is a lot of carriage with university students.

“We are doing the study to help us understand whether an immunisation campaign in teenagers would help us to protect the whole community.”

The results of the experiments will be passed on to policymakers.

I’m curious to see how many teens would willingly sign up for a medical experiment/trial. Of course, we also have to be concerned with the involvement of policymakers.

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