Whistleblower Nurse Alleges Hospital’s ‘Flu Vaccine Consent’ Policy Is Misleading

A whistleblower nurse claims that hospitals use The Affordable Care Act in a way to gain consent for numerous vaccines, including the flu shot, even when the patient came to the emergency room for nothing related to the flu. She claims in the video that nefarious consent-to-care forms are utilized in a way that patients simply do not understand. She claims that patients do not realize that they are granting consent.

“Since the Affordable Care Act came out, we are now – as nurses – required to ask every single patient when they come to the hospital if you’ve had your flu vaccine or your pneumococcal vaccine.” She says in the video. “If you say no to either one of those, in the computer, an order will generate that says we need to give you this vaccine. We don’t need to speak to a doctor, it’s hospital policy. It’s now health department policy that we now have to give you the vaccine.”

According to the description of the video, posted under Jefferey Jaxen Update’s account:

Listen to a whistleblower nurse as she describes her experience inside a hospital taking orders to unknowingly force vaccinate patients with the flu shot. Later she describes how The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has redefined the term “Biologics” being used in hospital consent forms to include vaccines.

Here’s the video with the allegations below.

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5 Comments on "Whistleblower Nurse Alleges Hospital’s ‘Flu Vaccine Consent’ Policy Is Misleading"

  1. I don’t believe anyone should be forced to get any type of vaccine. I have researched the flu vaccine and there are harmful preservatives such as mercury, formaldehyde and antifreeze in them. Why would anyone in their right mind allow a doctor or nurse to inject them with these poisons? Everyone has rights and beliefs and should not be forced to be vaccinated if they don’t want to.

  2. All you really have to do is get it on record that you’re allergic to eggs

  3. Greg Douglas | 12/22/2018 at 2:13 am | Reply

    Many people I talk to are avoiding the hospitals [.] They are choosing to deal with their health issues via alternate methods. They don’t TRUST the doctors or nurses anymore, especially, when it comes to their children. There’s an accounting coming and the public will only take so much of this mandatory inoculation crap. No One should be forced to be vaccinated when it is now known to contain ingredients, found to be harmful to human health, especially the very young. The Medical Establishment IS woefully corrupted from the top, on down, from DOT.GOV.’s-FDA, EPA, CDC, WHO, the AMA, Rx Drug Cartels, Insurance Companies, and the local medical communities themselves.

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