TRUMP: Why Can’t We Look Into Vaccine Safety?

Photo by Michael Vadon

The vaccine meltdown is in full bloom after Donald Trump asked environmental attorney and vaccine skeptic, Robert Kennedy Jr., to head up a vaccine safety committee. But as per the usual, the Left is going overboard and being melodramatic.

1) Isn’t it sad that when we decide to question Pharmaceutical companies, we get nothing short of revolt? Sound familiar? It seems similar to those who chose not to accept Trump as President. It sounds like an indoctrinated group of people who can’t allow vaccine safety to be questioned.
2) Trump isn’t anti-vaccine. He is skeptical of vaccines given to children at such a young age, and believes there may be too many.
3) Trump has been a supporter of the autism community for at least a decade. He’s been engaged with those circles, and for years, parents of autistic children have been asking politicians to do a serious investigation into vaccine safety. There is an entire body of science that has been ignored. It’s time for someone to seriously look at it – instead of only marching to the mantra of “vaccines are safe and effective.”

The relentless whining and melting down is simply unwarranted. What if we were looking into the medication, Pepcid? Oh wait, after years and years, we finally did look into it and guess what we found? That’s right, Pepcid has been harmful to the public. What about antibiotics? Once considered the greatest inventions for mankind is now suddenly harming our world due to overuse and superbugs are emerging due to resistance.

Is vaccine overuse happening now? These are fair questions. These are common sense questions.  This is all going a bit too far…

So on top of everything else we can look forward to the resurgence of diseases? — Cooper Boone (@bellaby99) January 10, 2017

“Vaccine skeptic” isn’t a thing. That’s called an idiot. Idiot is the word you’re looking for. — Justin Robinson (@JustinSRobinson) January 10, 2017

Our statement on the potential new vaccine commission announced today. Bottom line: #VaccinesWork. — Amer Acad Pediatrics (@AmerAcadPeds) January 10, 2017

Photo by Michael Vadon

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