We all recently learned that the large particle accelerator, or Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is set to once again smash protons together, and they’ve chosen a very special date of April 8 to do so. April 8 of course is the solar eclipse.
We’ve been reporting on CERN since 2022. CERN is the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider. It occupies a circular underground tunnel of nearly 17 miles along the Swiss-French border. The collider is buried 574 feet underground and was started back up in April 2022 after a three-year break. For more background, read Maryam Henein’s two part article on CERN (Part 1 and Part 2).
What are they looking for?
In the 1960s, scientists had a theory that an elementary particle existed, with properties that would give all other particles their masses. On July 4, 2012, a new particle was discovered, and it appeared to be very much like the particle predicted by modeling decades earlier. This particle was like none other than scientists had ever seen; it didn’t have the quantum properties that all other particles of matter had. They named the particle Higgs boson, after the 1960s-era scientists who theorized it, but it is better known as the God particle.
In the famous book and film Angels and Demons, hero Robert Langdon (played by Tom Hanks) works with CERN scientist Dr. Vittoria Vetra, who is part of a confidential project that involves creating antimatter (or the God particle). The film portrays the classic battle between the Catholic Church and the Illuminati, and what is interesting is that the film was released in 2009, three years before the true discovery of the God particle. The accelerator went live in 2008.
CERN says that its scientists have made “tremendous steps forward” in their understanding of the universe since the Higgs Boson was discovered in 2012. Researchers not only confirmed the existence of the particle through further testing, but also started building a model of the presence of a Higgs field, a pervasive presence that was established a tenth of a billionth of a second after the Big Bang.
In other words, this particle is called the God particle because it is the key to the birth of the universe. “It determines the very nature of the vacuum which fills our space-time,” according to CERN physicist Yves Sirois. The Higgs boson is the missing link that makes matter and interactions of particles possible, and that means it is responsible for the appearance of mass, meaning the universe we live in. Without the Higgs boson or field, nothing would exist – no atomic elements, no stars, no life in the universe.
In the 1960s, scientists theorized that an invisible energy field (the Higgs field) formed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe. As other particles passed through the field, they picked up mass, size and shape to form the atoms that make up everything in he universe. The particles almost instantly decay in the CERN experiments, but they leave a footprint behind, and that proves their existence and confirms the theory.

Photo credit: CERN creative commons license
What are they doing now?
CERN says it is just pursuing science for the sake of science, to learn about the fundamental creation of the universe. They freely admit on their official website that the collider could produce black holes — small, controllable ones, not like the ones we see on television. Not to worry. A top CERN scientist, Sergio Bertolucci, says the LHC may possibly “create scientific phenomena like extra dimensions.” Henein’s two-part 2022 article goes into great detail about this; definitely a must read.
CERN keeps reassuring us that it is very unlikely they would create a black hole. Yet one of the top scientists above says they are “creating”, not just “discovering”. Sirois says it too by stating that CERN scientists are not only trying to understand how the physical vacuum in which we live was created, but also how that physical vacuum can be made stable. This sounds like more creation to me. Sirois says it is now necessary to understand how Higgs boson interact with each other, so CERN wants to create pairs of God particles to do so.
What could possibly go wrong?
Quite a bit it seems. When CERN is operating in full capacity, strange things happen, including spirals appearing above Norway and CERN scientists purportedly killing themselves. This is also in Henein’s report.
While CERN is trying to assure us that all is well, its own scientists like Sirois remark on the instability of the Higgs boson particle. In fact, the utter instability of the particle is the main reason the search for the article took so long. Sirois says that the God particle is so unstable, that the physical vacuum itself could become destabilized by quantum fluctuations. He goes on to say that they are nevertheless looking for additional Higgs boson-like particles and trying to create Higgs boson pairs. He also says that a form of new physics will be needed to stabilize the Higgs boson mass. Of course, this involves higher and higher collider energies.
New physics? Sounds like this has gone way beyond scientific discovery.
Famous scientist Stephen Hawking thought the God particle would never be discovered. He lost that bet in 2012. In his Starmus lectures, Hawking warned that the particle could one day destroy the entire universe. Many scientists share Hawking’s opinion, saying that during creation of the vacuum, a quantum fluctuation, much like a bubble formation, could form, expand through space and wipe out the universe. This is the Higgs boson doomsday theory, but once again, scientists ‘in the know’ tell us that this won’t happen anytime soon. How do they know? Don’t worry – just go about your day.
On April 8, the $4 billion LHC will once again be fired up to study these particles, otherwise known as dark matter. Did you know that dark matter makes up nearly one-third of the universe, but it has never been seen or proven? In short, CERN is moving trillions of particles at nearly the speed of light; protons move 11,245 times a second around the ring to recreate conditions that occurred right after the Big Bang. The experiment is scheduled the same day as the Great North American solar eclipse.
Scientific discovery? Or playing God?

Photo credit: CERN creative commons license
Business Insider says that the nickname “God particle” was created by a publisher. Nobel physicist Leon Lederman authored a book on the Higgs boson and titled it “The Goddamn Particle” because it was so hard to detect. The publishers changed the name, unintentionally creating a connection with religion. Do you believe this story? I’m not sure I do. If the Higgs boson didn’t exist, there would be no universe, no planets, no us.
The discovery of the Higgs boson is a scientific marvel. It solved the question of the origin of the mass of all other particles, but its own mass is unexplained and has no symmetry, which contributes to its instability. This brings to mind the age-old scientific quandary: just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Remember that CERN describes the Higgs boson as an unstable “force carrier” particle. For this reason and many more, April 8 promises to be a very interesting day in the history of our universe. The work not only gives CERN insight into the universe’s formation, but also insight into its ultimate fate.
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Fed Up Texas Chick is a contributing writer for The Tenpenny Report. She’s a rocket scientist turned writer, having worked in the space program for many years. She is a seasoned medical writer and researcher who is fighting for medical freedom for all of us through her work.