Reprinted with permission from Dr. Will Falconer, DVM
This is a word I think we all need to be careful interpreting, as we’re going to be seeing it in the limelight once again, as Bird Flu is perhaps next in line for a news moment.
Here’s the article that prompts my concern, from AP News, right at the center of mainstream media.
The opening paragraph should sound familiar and ring a warning bell if you were paying attention during the Covid Plandemic:
Federal health officials on Thursday called for more testing of employees on farms with bird flu after a new study showed that some dairy workers had signs of infection, even when they didn’t report feeling sick.
Farm workers in close contact with infected animals should be tested and offered treatment even if they show no symptoms, said Dr. Nirav Shah, principal director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” [Emphasis mine]
It seems the CDC waded into some dairies in Colorado and Michigan and tested farm workers there.
Lo and behold, they found some with antibodies to the H5N1 flu virus, the cause of our latest long lasting bird epidemic, aka “highly pathogenic avian influenza.”
Those antibodies were found in 8 workers tested (out of a sample size of 115).
That’s 7%.
And here’s the kicker: half of those 8 workers were never sick with the typical symptoms others had shown (like red eyes, or mild cold symptoms).
What Could More Testing Bring?
Well, treatment for one thing. Unnecessary treatment. Ineffective and side effect laden treatment.
The treatment to be offered?
Tamiflu, generic name oseltamivir.
This is from a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine journal:
In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 randomized clinical trials including 6166 patients, oseltamivir was not associated with reduced risk of first hospitalization compared with placebo or standard of care. Results were similar in a subgroup of patients considered at high risk of hospitalization…”
So, efficacy is lacking. (Sound familiar?)
And side effects include depressed immune responsiveness to, erm, well, influenza!

Read Dr. Tenpenny’s substack on Tamiflu here.
Furthermore, antiviral administration led to a significant 5.7-fold decreased production of functional anti-influenza antibodies. Thus, our study demonstrates that antiviral treatment affects the development of the adaptive immune response and protective immunity against influenza.”
Of Greater Concern: More “Cases.”
And we know how that went, right?
The Covid test swabs up your nose, subjected to crazily amplified PCR assays, meant a level of false positives that stoked panic in the populace. More cases, oh no!
(Even though that test was never intended to diagnose illness…).
Are we going to let them bring forth another reign of control measures (that didn’t work in Covid) for this latest “threat?”
I’d sure hope we’ve learned enough from the Covidiocy experience to resist that move.
The Dogs Have Something to Say
If you want to bring this home to the animal example, look no further than Lyme positive tests that vets are quick to jump on, suggesting a month’s worth of tetracycline, even though your dog is 100% asymptomatic.
A positive antibody presence (aka a positive titer) means they are fighting the organism, and probably have already bested it, thanks to their intact immune system, doing what it’s been honed to do over millennia.
How would you imagine that immune system would respond to a month worth of a broad spectrum antibiotic?
Knowing some 80% of our immune systems live in the gut, you can bet immunity will only be whacked with the antibiotic treatment of your asymptomatic dog.
For more on this, grab my podcast episode #21 Lyme Disease: why treatment is 100% unnecessary.
Beware the push to test more widely. Beware even more what’s made of a “positive” test in a healthy individual.
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Dr. Will Falconer, DVM, is a certified veterinary homeopath on a mission to sidestep the damage of conventional veterinary prevention. This article is courtesy of Dr. Falconer‘s Vital Animal News, published biweekly. To receive your own copy and help keep your own animals wildly healthy and naturally disease-resistant, join his free Vital Animal Pack here. You can read his Substack at
Read all of Dr. Falconer’s TTR contributions here.