Charles Lieber’s Legal Escapades & Freedom Of The Mind (Part 1)

Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind

–John Milton, (1608-1674)

by Maryam Henein

While all eyes have been on Ukraine and Russia, Charles Lieber, who I refer to as The NanoTech King, has asked for a new trial. Charlie was initially accused of being a spy for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but in the end, the courts found that the former Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department was only guilty of six counts related to tax evasion

“Professor Lieber is not a spy,” declared his attorneys at Mukasey Frenchman LLP. “He did not work in China or perform any unlawful work in China. He should not have been prosecuted. Harvard, NIH, and the DoD benefit from Professor Lieber’s scientific research.”

Indeed, many agencies including the DoD’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), have profited from Lieber’s inventions. 

Attorney Frenchman added that Lieber was a “casualty of [a] flawed initiative” and that “this injustice cannot stand.” The reference was to the ‘China Initiative’, which the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched in 2018 under Trump to combat what officials described as the Chinese government’s campaign to steal US trade secrets, IT technology, and cutting-edge research. In June of 2018  the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy issued a report titled “How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World.” 

They discovered that “about 80 percent of all economic espionage prosecutions brought by the DOJ allege conduct that would benefit the Chinese state, and there is at least some nexus to China in around 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases.”

Even FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that “the greatest long-term threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property, and to our economic vitality, is the counterintelligence and economic espionage threat from China.” 

Lieber and his counsel are denigrating former President Trump and the initiative’s goals: “This prosecution was born of a political policy implemented by the prior administration; the ‘China Initiative’… is now universally recognized as a colossal blunder.”

A colossal blunder? 

For the record, just this past March, a New Jersey man was convicted for his participation in a conspiracy to fraudulently obtain US visas for Chinese government employees. He was also engaged in recruiting US scientists, academics, engineers, and other experts to work in China.

So, Lieber was indeed working with China under the Thousand Talent Plan. This program, launched in 2008, incentivized individuals engaged in research and development in the United States to transmit the knowledge and research they gained here to China in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space, and other incentives. China then used the American research and expertise it unfairly obtains for its own economic and military gain.  

Lieber’s attorneys contend he was targeted and arrested as a result of that ‘headline-hungry policy’ despite a complete absence of proof of economic or intellectual-property espionage or grant fraud towards Lieber. 

“Instead, the misguided initiative targeted academic researchers, like Professor Lieber, for failing to disclose their lawful communications with talent programs in China or their legitimate collaboration with academic institutions in China,” added his attorneys.

NanoTech King Lieber was supposed to be sentenced in March 2022, but his attorney pushed the court date and requested a new hearing, set for March 31, 2022, to “allow counsel sufficient time for thorough preparation, in light of previously scheduled travel out of the country on March 24, 2022, in connection with family matters.”

Incidentally, this is the second time that 91-year-old Judge Rya W. Zobel has granted Lieber downtime to deal with family matters. The first occurrence allowed Lieber to leave Boston despite the state-wide lockdown that had just been put into place. 

Ah, if we could all be so privileged

Shortly after the submission of Professor Lieber’s “Opening Memorandum of Law,” the Biden DOJ scrapped the entire Trump-China initiative altogether, stating it didn’t embody “the right approach.”  

When I looked for a description of the “China Initiative” on the DOJ’s website, it was 404’d. Unbelievable. The government had scrubbed the page a la Ministry of Truth. You can read what it previously stated here.

As of now, Judge Zobel is taking things under advisement. Time will tell if Lieber, who is reported to have “a very advanced form of lymphoma,” gets to walk away as a free man. 

Brain Implants: From Monkey To Man 

Charles Lieber is the mastermind behind 66+ nanotech-related patents, including cyborg heart tissue, and Department of Defense-funded injectable nanoscale wires and/or injectable devices that will be able to connect the body to 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is also Lieber’s brain implant nanotechnology that paved the way for Elon Musk’s Neuralink/Neurolace. 

In April 2021, Neuralink implanted a chip into the brain of a 9-year-old monkey, Pager, and got him to successfully play the video game Pong by “simply thinking about moving his hands.” The device recorded the monkey’s neuron activity while he interacted with the computer and then fed the data into a “decoder algorithm” to predict Pager’s hand movements in real-time. Eventually, the monkey was able to move the cursor to where he wanted it to go, without even touching the joystick.

“A monkey is literally playing a video game telepathically using a brain chip!” Musk tweeted excitedly

According to Musk, this experiment was a key step in Neuralink’s quest to merge human consciousness with artificial intelligence. Musk, who has just taken a 9.2 percent massive stake in Twitter, has been talking about human trials for two years and continues to do so despite the fact at least 15 Macaque primates died during his experiments. I call It Musk’s Monkey Massacre.  

“…progress will accelerate when we have devices in humans (hard to have nuanced conversations with monkeys),” Musk said. He has even anticipated how to scale these implants, which will involve nonhumans.  “If this is done by neurosurgeons, there’s no way it can scale to a large number of people,” Musk said in an interview. He intends to outsource the delicate surgeries to artificially intelligent robots. A McKinsey study projects that by 2030, 800 million human jobs will be replaced by robots.

In February 2020, Musk told his fans via Twitter that Neuralink could be experimented on “in a human as soon as this year.” Recently, Musk said that Neuralink aims to begin testing brain chips in humans in 2022.

The process is “no biggie,” according to Musk — simply insert a wireless chip by drilling a small hole in the skull and then insert thin, flexible electrode “threads” through brain tissue. Musk states that the procedure will “technically be subject to FDA approvals and other regulatory reviews.”  Musk says he’s confident the regulatory agency will approve Neuralink since his standards for implanting the device are higher than what the FDA requires. 


Transhumanists will tell you they want to experiment on humans for the sake of repairing diseases with failing neurological functions, using sweet-sounding rhetoric such as,  “Brain-computer interfaces are being developed to restore movement for people living with paralysis due to injury or disease.”

However, many would argue their true agenda is to figure out how to connect you to the Internet of Things and every other ‘smart’ machine around you. Another goal is to be able to read a person’s mind and enable surveillance under the skin.

Alas, bridging signals between existing neurons is a complicated thing. As Musk puts it, the profound impact of high bandwidth and high precision neural interfaces is underappreciated.

“Replacing faulty/missing neurons with circuits is the right way to think about it,” Musk wrote on Twitter in response to someone asking how a Neuralink device could help restore memory loss or delusion from a stroke. 

He stands firm Neuralink needs to be better than other brain implants. Is it because he has another initiative to meld machine with man?

Be sure to read Part 2 to learn more about the transhumanist agenda.


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Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist and founder/editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Gab: @ladybee. Email her: maryam @

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