Flu Shots Have Led To Hallucinations, Nightmares, Sleep Paralysis.

Photo by MiikaS

Flu shots are now the commonly accepted way to prevent the flu. People often take them mindlessly and without regard for the possible side-effects they can be subject to. Furthermore, pharmaceutical marketing has led many to believe that by not getting a flu shot, they aren’t being a good citizen. Offices around the country are bringing in nurses, many pharmacies are allowing for drive-thru injections and the age limits (on the young side) are ever-expanding. But what if I told you that the flu shot historically has caused some of the nastiest vaccine side-effects we have ever known? What if you got a flu shot and you became narcoleptic, had hallucinations and felt paralyzed? What if that were a known side-effect, would you still be sold that a flu shot were your best option? Most people most likely would not.

Well, that’s happened. After the swing flu “pandemic” in 2009, many children ended up suffering an incurable sleep disorder aver being injected with a flu vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline. While this mostly happened in Sweden, it also was reported in Finland, Norway, Ireland and France. In other words, it was widespread.

According to a 2013 Reuters article.

Questions about how the narcolepsy cases are linked to Pandemrix, what the triggers and biological mechanisms might have been, and whether there might be a genetic susceptibility are currently the subject of deep scientific investigation.

But experts on all sides are wary. Rare adverse reactions can swiftly develop into “vaccine scares” that spiral out of proportion and cast what one of Europe’s top flu experts calls a “long shadow” over public confidence in vaccines that control potential killers like measles and polio.

Experts term the side effects as “rare,” but on the same hand can’t figure out what caused them in the first place (or are unwilling to admit what caused them). We keep getting told that vaccines are safe, but when evidence arises proving they aren’t, it is swept under the rug.

I suggest everyone read the story of Emelie Olsson who has lived her life in ruins ever since getting a swine flu vaccination. (here). Vaccines, even flu vaccines, should be something that you carefully consider before mindlessly accepting into you or your child’s body.

Because so many schools and workplaces push flu shots, the real facts and truths are often glazed over. Flu shots have become an “acceptable vaccine.” But as it stands, the reality is, flu shots are vaccines. You are putting something inside of your body and you need to do your research and get all the facts.

The noted side-effects of the flu shot:
tenderness, redness, and swelling of the skin around the shot

And that’s just what is disclosed.
Photo by MiikaS

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