Immunologist admits vaccines are only to train parents and don’t work

immunologist vaccines train parents

Is the video real? We can’t confirm, but it sure sounds terrifying if it is. The recording is an alleged immunologist saying that vaccines don’t work at all in the first year and that wellness visits, instead, are regarded as sessions intended to train parents to get vaccines. Who the immunologist is, or even if this is a real immunologist, remains unclear.

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2 Comments on "Immunologist admits vaccines are only to train parents and don’t work"

  1. A friend that works in research studies (for colon cancer) once made a deadpan remark to me to exactly that tune … It’s all set up to get parents into the mindset that taking their babies to well child checks is part and parcel to being a “good parent.” …
    Breast IS best – breastfed babies receive antibodies from their mothers, therefore are protected against whatever they’re mutually exposed to.
    Sadly, propaganda is easily dressed up to be made easy to swallow.
    Unfortunately, people are readily lapping it up.

  2. This is a pdf that discusses the original recording and has more information on it.

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